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Growth And Development Powerpoint Template

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Growth and Development

Transcript: Their emotional development is often stormy and in conflict and they are trying to establish themselves and their identities. By age six the average weight is 45 pounds and the height is 46 inches. At ages 1-2 the child starts to become self-aware and the affect they have on objects and other people. Also at this age limits are set and the child will either follow them or break them. Children will start to feel impatient and frustrated because they try to push their limits. They will also throw "temper tantrums" when they are angry. In their early childhood kids start enjoy spending time with others and they don't fear separation from their parents. LATE ADULTHOOD A sudden "growth spurt" can cause rapid increase in weight and height. A child can gain about 25 pounds and several inches in just a few months. Muscle coordination doesn't advance as quickly causing awkwardness and clumsiness in a child. This age group is where puberty sets in and the child's body starts to change. In early childhood the muscular system gives the child a more adult appearance and the muscle coordination lets them run, climb and move more freely. Between ages 2 and 4 most kids learn bladder and bowel control. YEARS 40 TO 65 AKA "Middle Age" is where people's hair starts to gray and thin out, their skin begins to wrinkle, muscle tone starts to decrease, hearing loss begins, vision starts to go and weight gain occurs. Women of this age group go through menopause(end of menstruation). People in this age group are usually more confident in their decision making and excellent at analyzing situations and being able to cope with many different stresses. Usually people are content and satisfied with life or it can be a time of crisis. The emotional foundation of past stages determine the emotional status of this period. The social development can go either good with family and work relationships become stronger over time or bad with divorce or the kids moving out, or even death. EARLY CHILDHOOD BIRTH TO YEAR 1 SEPTEMBER 26, 2012 MIDDLE ADULTHOOD Diversified Health Occupations by Louise Simmers Children learn about loyalty, honesty, values, and morals and begin to make better judgements. EARLY ADULTHOOD This is the most productive life stage, your physical development is basically complete and your muscles are strong and your coordination is at its peak. This life stage is the best time to have a child. This age spends their time on being independent, making their career choices, establishing their life choices, gets married, and starting a family. People from 20 to 40 are put under stress by their career, marriage, family and other stresses but they learn to cope with these worries from past development in previous stages. People start to move away from their young groups they used to hang out with and start to hang out with people who have the same ambitions and interests. This stage is often called the traumatic life stage. Toward the end of adolescence, self-identity has been established, and they feel more comfortable with who they are and they start to focus on who they want to be. This is the age where the children lose their baby teeth and gain their adult teeth. YEARS 12 TO 20 In the later years of life the physical development is on a decline. Age spots start to appear and usually the skin dries out, becomes wrinkled and thinner. Your bones become more fragile and brittle which makes them easier to fracture. Muscles starts to lose tone and strength, and you can get Alzheimer's disease and Arteriosclerosis There is a wide emotional spectrum at this age one can be very happy and enjoying life with family and cope well with stress, but others become lonely, frustrated, withdrawn, and depressed. When people retire they lose their sense of identity and their circle of friends usually shrinks. Losing a spouse and friends, or moving to a new environment can change social development. Just like the earlier stages of social development the elderly need a sense of belonging, self-esteem, social acceptance and love. Physical development is slow but steady and on average gain about 5 to 7 pounds a year and grow 2 to 3 inches a year. Since most foundations have been set mental development is just increasing knowledge and a sharpening of skills Children in this age group advance rapidly in mental development and their memory develops to the point where the child can make decisions on past experiences. YEARS 6 TO 12 YEARS 65 AND UP Mental development increases rapidly since the child's life revolves around school. Their speech skills develop more completely and the child learns how to read and write. At this age kids start to spend less time with thier family and start to spend more time with their friends. Adolescence start to focus more on their physical appearence and are more harsh with each other about it causing disorders like anorexia nervosa, bulimia, substance abuse and even suicide. WORKS CITED Growth is slower here than during

Growth and Development

Transcript: - children follow rules set out by authority figures PIAGET'S THEORY OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT STAGE 1 Weight Head Circumference Length TRUST VS MISTRUST Walking Running Stairs Jump (two feet) Fine motor dexterity Begins with reflex New "schemes" learned over time Infant - no obligation LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENTAL THEORIES 1) Premoral Stage 2) Conventional Stage Attachment quality determines the infant's ability to establish and maintain a healthy relationship - Socialization influences development - Each stage has a developmental conflict to overcome Trial and Error Sorting Make-Believe Hidden Objects Prefers Human Face Smiles Reaches to be picked up Moral Development Autonomy! Separate from parents Approval vs independence Infant & Toddler AUTONOMY VS DOUBT PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT ABILITIES DEVELOPMENT LANGUAGE PIAGET'S THEORY OF MORAL DEVELOPMENT Toddler ERIKSON'S THEORY EIGHT STAGES OF LIFE - birth to one year - infant learns to trust others EMOTIONAL Growth rate slows Head circumference Arms and legs grow Brain growth By Cherin, Sarah, and Muhammad Develop within 1st year Psychosocial Development COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES OBJECT PERMANENCE "Everything has a life of its own even if it is out of sight" HEALTH AND WELL BEING Toddler Cognitive Development STAGE 2 CONCLUSION Birth to 2 years COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT Growth and Development Separation anxiety Enthusiasm over company Defiance Toddler SOCIAL CHARACTERISTICS - age 1 to 3 years - independence & self confidence - lack of independence Toddler SENSORIMOTOR Altered cries Laughs Coos Babbles Imitates sounds First word!! BOWLBY'S ATTACHMENT AND SEPARATION THEORY

Growth and Development

Transcript: Mental Development Emotional Development Children achieve a greater independence and personality. Gain emotion control at this stage. Periods of depression or joy. Emotional changes can lead to problems such as... Restlessness Anxiety Lack of Understanding. Social Development Physical Development Mental Development Emotional Development Changes vary between individuals. Those who remain mentally active do not have decreased mental ability. Memory loss occurs at some times. Diseases like Alzheimer's and Arteriosclerosis can also affect the brain and decrease mental ability. Age: 1 Year - 6 Years Physical Development Mental Development Late Childhood Physical growth is slower. Muscle coordination kicks in, helps with running, climbing, and free movement. Ability to write starts to appear. Around age 2-3, teeth begin to appear. Between age 2-4, potty training occurs. Mental Development Expands from self-centered to sociable. Strongly attached to parents. Begin to trust other people. Friendships begin in this stage. Fear separation. Age: 65 years - Older Individuals can start losing self-esteem. Loss of social role/identity. Can limit or continue social relationships. Development of new contacts is vital. Retirement homes, senior centers, and other organizations help elderly find new social roles. Social Development Human Growth and Development Spending less time with the family and more with friends. Enjoy the security of a group of people who are the same age. Toward the end of the stage, teens have a more mature attitude. Problems during this stage include... eating disorders drug abuse alcoholism suicide Age: 6 years - 12 years Physical changes are very dramatic during this stage. Sudden "growth spurt" in this stage. Muscle coordination becomes awkward and less balanced. Puberty Development of sexual organs and other characteristics. Changes vary with gender. Physical Development Works Citied Mental development increases rapidly due to school. Speech skills are fully developed. Can begin to understand abstract concepts. Skills learned at this stage include reading and writing. Kellie Ngo 3rd-4th Period 9/21/12 Emotional Development Start acting independent (Age 7); gradually changes to working with groups (Age 8-10). Learn to follow a group or a group's standards. Friendships are more easily built. Dependency on parents begin to lessen. Focuses more on the need for approval. Mental development can continue in this stage. Understands life better. Can cope with the difficulties and challenges. More confident in making decisions and understanding situations. Middle Adulthood Emotional Development Also known as "middle aged". Many physical changes occur in this stage. Hair becomes gray and thin. Skin begins to wrinkle. Hearing loss. Vision problems. Decrease in muscle tone. Decrease in hormone production. Physical Development Mental Development Social Development Early Childhood Physical Development Physical Development Involves moving away from peers. Begins to associate themselves with people of the same interests. More family-oriented. Age: 20 years - 40 years Rapid development in this stage. Learning grows as infants respond to their environment. Unable to talk. Makes audible sounds. Begins to comprehend words and meanings around 12 months. Family relationships begins to decline due to... Children growing up Parents dying. Work relationships replace that of the family. Divorce rates are high in this group. Relationships between husband and wife can grow stronger. Eyes are more developed and at its best. Permanent teeth start to show up. From ages 10-12, sexual maturation begins. Advances rapidly in this stage. By age 6, vocabulary covers about 1,500-2,500 words. Memory has developed much more in this stage. At age 4, children ask lots of questions. Children, by age 6, are really talkative. Social Development Also known as preadolescence. Physical development slows in this stage. Muscle coordination is more developed. Age: Birth - 1 Year Emotional Development Diversified Health Occupations: Sixth Edition Google Images Social Development Late Adulthood Emotional conflicts begin. Feelings of insecurity, inadequacy, and uncertainty arise. Respond more to peers and their opinions. Drastic changes in personality, behaviors or morals appear in this stage. Toward the end of the stage, teens begin to feel comfortable with who they are. Mature emotionally by the end of the stage. Age: 12 years - 20 years Early Adulthood Social Development Emotional Development Mental Development Development is declining at this stage. All body systems are affected in the decline. Failure of nervous system begins. Heart is less efficient. Changes occur over long periods of time. Observed early in this stage. Can show excitement, distress, anger, digust and fear. Major events in this stage and affect emotional behavior later on. Period of contentment and satisfaction or period of crisis. Previous emotional foundations come into play at

powerpoint template

Transcript: Nobody knows babies like we do! Quality products . Good Customer service. Every Kid really loves this store.. BABYLOU ABOUT US About Us BabyLou was established in 2004. It has been more than a decade since we started, where we have ensured to take care of every need and want of every child and infant under one roof, true to the caption “NO BODY KNOWS BABIES LIKE WE DO”. Our benchmark is to provide 100% customer service and satisfaction and continue to deliver the same with a wide range of toys, garments and Baby Products. Play and Create We Are Best 01 02 03 Block games Building Blocks help Kids to use their brain. PLAY TO LEARN in Crusing Adventures Our Discoveries Enjoy a sunny vacation aboard a luxury yacht with the LEGO® Creator 3in1 31083 Cruising Adventures set. This ship has all the comforts you need, including a well-equipped cabin and a toilet. Sail away to a sunny bay and take the cool water scooter to the beach. Build a sandcastle, enjoy a picnic, go surfing or check out the cute sea creatures before you head back to the yacht for a spot of fishing. Escape into the mountains Disney Little Princes in Also available for your Babies..... Also... Out of The World… Our reponsibility BABYLOU…. Our Responsibility All children have the right to fun, creative and engaging play experiences. Play is essential because when children play, they learn. As a provider of play experiences, we must ensure that our behaviour and actions are responsible towards all children and towards our stakeholders, society and the environment. We are committed to continue earning the trust our stakeholders place in us, and we are always inspired by children to be the best we can be. Innovate for children We aim to inspire children through our unique playful learning experiences and to play an active role in making a global difference on product safety while being dedicated promoters of responsibility towards children.

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