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Connect The Dots

Transcript: Connect The Dots! By-Dallas C. History How are these Five Topics related to each other? World History *Enlightenment *French Revolution/Napoleon *Industrialism *Imperialism *WWI Enlightenment The Enlightenment was a 17th-18th century movement that mainly focused on reason, individualism, and skepticism. A key person from the Enlightenment was John Locke; the father of Liberalism. He pioneered the ideas of religious toleration, social contract, natural law, and the right to revolution. An event from the Enlightenment was Galileo discovering the planets. He made the idea of the Earth and other planets are revolving around the sun. Enlightenment How this relates? The Enlightenment philosophy fueled the Industrial Revolution by making the British change their political system. Relates to Industrialism How this relates? The Enlightenment was basically the cause for Imperialism. It gave Imperialism the means to achieve the ideas from the Enlightenment. Relates to Imperialism French Revolution/Napoleon It was a period between 1787-1799 that was a major social change. They fought for change between the rulers and citizens and rewrote the nature of politcal power. They made three branches of governments to keep the king in check. On July 14th, 1789, an angry mob attacked a state prison that's on the east side of paris and won. Which is now known as The Storming of Bastille. A key person from this period is Maximilien Robespierre, he is the one for spreading the Reign of Terror and the use of the guillotine. French Revolution/ Napoleon How this relates? The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventions, scientific discoveries, laws, wars, and revolutions. The French revolution, Imperialism, Industrialism, and WWI were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals. Being Liberty, Freedom, and the need to change. Relates to Enlightenment How this relates? Social change was allowed by the Industrial Revolution as well as the French Revolution. The two led to the development of new ideas, inventors, and political ideas. Relates to Industrialism Industrialism "Industrialization is the process of transforming the economy of a nation from agriculture to reliance on manufacturing"- Investopedia Industrialism made the USA what the USA is today. It helped with the expansion of cities and new market economy. But it also cause multiple labor strikes. The Grover Shoe facotry blew up in 1905, March 20th. The incident killed at least 35 people. A key person from the Industrialism period was James Watt. He was known for greatly improving the steam engine in 1776. He realized the original steam engine was extrememly inefficient, so he improved the design for better effiency. Industrialism How this relates? Imperialism was driven by the Industrial Revolution, as it created both the neccessity for Europe to expand and the power for them to maintain so many colonies abroad. Relates to Imperialism How this relates? Industrialism played a big role in WWI. New military machinery was being produced at a much larger and faster scale than before. Relates to WWI Imperialism Imperialism began around 1760, where less developed nations were being colonized by well developed nations. These nations colonized them for power and because of that, they've wiped out the native cultures and used their land for new markets and imported goods and their natural rsources. A big event from this period was the Indian Rebellion in 1857. It was against the rule of Britain East India Company, from May 1857-July 1859. A key person from this period is Ghengis Khan. He was a brilliant military stragegist who united the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia. Imperialism How this relates? The expansion of European nations can be seen as a cause of WWI. As countries like Britain and France expanded their empires, tension increased. Relates to WWI How this relates? France began nestling its imperial endeavors aound the mediterranean during the French Revolution, following the colonial losses it had sustained during the Seven Years' War in the Atlantic. Relates to French Revolution/ Napoleon World War 1 It was also known as the Great War. It began in 1914 and ended in 1918. The cause of WWI was a assassination of a man named Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His death caused wars all across Europe. A big event from this period was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914. He was the heir to the Austria-Hungarian empire. A key person from this period was Archduke Franz Ferdinand, he was basically the cause of WWI. WWI How this relates? The Enlightenment produced numerous books, essays, inventors, scientific discoveries, laws, wars, and revolutions. The French Revolution, Imperialism, Industrialism, and WWI were directly inspired by Enlightenment ideals. Being liberty, freddom, and the need for change. Relates to Enlightenment How this relates? The Napoleonic Wars and WWI share simularities in their scale and treaty networks. Nearly every nation in Europe

Connect the dots

Transcript: Kayla M. Enlightenment The enlightenment was basically to make other countries civilized, and act their way. Definition Definition a European intellectual movement of the late 17th and 18th centuries emphasizing reason and individualism rather than tradition. A new kind of thinking grew. -also known as the age of reason -three ideas: liberty, tolerance, rights -belief that all disagreements can be solved with reason -less reliance on religion Reasons.... Understanding Leads to... The effects French revolution- How? First, it transformed the monarchy. Philosophers made the people believe that government should serve the people, not the people serve the government Realism- The enlightenment questioned overall tradition, and people started not to believe in religion but look more towards reason. French revolution revolutionaries stormed a prison called the Bastille.They could see that the American Revolution had created a country in which the people had power, instead of a king. Definition Definition an uprising in France against the monarchy from 1789 to 1799 which resulted in the establishment of France as a republic. The effects Leads to...... Imperialism- Industrialization- Industrialization the process by which an economy is transformed from primarily agricultural to one based on the manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is often replaced by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by assembly lines. Definition Definition the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale. Effects Leads to...... WWI- Enlightenment- Imperialism the policy, practice, or advocacy of extending the power and dominion of a nation especially by direct territorial acquisitions or by gaining indirect control over the political or economic life of other areas broadly : the extension or imposition of power, authority, or influence union imperialism. Definition Definition a policy of extending a country's power and influence through diplomacy or military force. Leads to...... Effects Industrialization- The increase of natural goods and available workers led to an increase of productions. World War 1- The increase of imperialism led to a power struggle and nationalistic tensions began in 1914, after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, and lasted until 1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire (the Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Japan and the United States (the Allied Powers). WWI World War 1 was a complex war that started on July 28, 1914 to November 11, 1918. Definition Definition Imperialism- World War one led to more imperialism among nations because there was the belief that the more territory a country had, the more power the country possessed. Leads to..... Effects Industrialization- since there was a global war, the production of weaponry increased and all was focused to the war effort

Connect the dots

Transcript: Semester 1 review Connecting The Dots Enlightenment Enlightenment The Enlightenment was a period of time in Franc when intellectual and philosophical ideas dominated everyday life. The ideas of the Enlightenment Directly caused the French Revolution. French Revolution The Enlightenment ideas brought reform to the laws regarding factories during industrialization Industrialization The Enlightenment caused France to think they were better than everyone else and became imperialist nation Imperialism The Enlightenment brought forth the ideas of the allies powers of WW1 WW1 French Revolution French Revolution A period when France and her colonies had a violent uprising against her government starting in 1789 Enlightenment The ideas of the Enlightenment Directly caused the French Revolution. After the French Revolution, France rapidly industrialized Industrialization Because of the the French Revolution, many other countries started to have revolutions, this is a stretch of an example of imperialism Imperialism The French Revolution allowed France to be the powerhouse that is was during WW1 WW1 Industrialization Industrialization Industrialization is the rapid growing of factories in the cities of countries. The Enlightenment ideas brought reform to the laws regarding factories during industrialization Enlightenment After the French Revolution, France rapidly industrialized. French Revolution Imperialism caused industrialization to spread to other countries rapidly. Imperialism Industrialization allowed the weapons of war to be created that were used in WW1 WW1 Imperialism Imperialism Extending a country's power and influence through military force. The Enlightenment caused France to think they were better than everyone else and became imperialist nation Enlightenment Because of the the French Revolution, many other countries started to have revolutions, this is a stretch of an example of imperialism French Revolution Imperialism cause industrialization to spread all across the world at a rapid pace Industrialization Imperialism helped to create the alliances of WW1 WW1 WW1 was a global conflict that was un-paralleled in terms of destruction at the time WW1 WW1 The Enlightenment brought forth the ideas of the allies powers of WW1 Enlightenment The French Revolution allowed France to be the powerhouse that is was during WW1 French Revolution Industrialization allowed the weapons of war to be created that were used in WW1 Industrialization Imperialism helped to create the alliances that were a major role in WW1 Imperialism

Connect The Dots

Transcript: Connect the Dots By:Lucas DeMild and Jake Harvey Enlightenment Enlightenment was an intellectual movement that focused essentially on individuals rather then the normal population. It took place during the late 17th into the 18th century. It was heavily affected by John Locke and Isaac Newton who were very famous philosophers during the 17th century. What is Enlightenment? How does Enlightenment relate to World War 1? Relates to World War 1 The Age of Enlightenment played a big role in the start of World War 1. Europe thought that creating alliances between different countries would stop or prevent a war and make Europe a better place for everyone. However this very thing was what sent Europe into totle warfare throughout the continent. Eventually the whole world was affected by these actions. The Enlightenment relates to the French Revolution in a couple of different ways. The views and goals of the Enlightenment influenced the French Revolution. The viewpoints that were created by the philosophers of the Age of Enlightenment built the foundation of the arguments that the citizens of France had against the Monarchy that was in place. How does Enlightenment relate to the French Revolution? Relates to the French Revolution Enlightenment relates to Industrialization because people would reuse the enlightenment ideas by seeking power of reason to improve society having the knowledge to strengthen technological ideas. Countries had to produce certain technology to obtain the goals of the Enlightenment. How does Enlightenment relate to Industrialization? Relates to Industrialization Enlightenment and Imperialism are related throughout history in a one big way. The foundation of Enlightenment contained new goals that have never before been thought of. This meant that countries had to come up with new ways to achieve those goals. From that came taking control of smaller and weaker territory's to help them achieve those goals. That formed the basis for what is now known as Imperialism. How does Enlightenment relate to Imperialism? Relates to Imperialism Industrialization is the period of social and economic change that transforms a human group into an industrial society, involving the reorganization of an economy for manufacturing What is Industrialization? Industrialization Industrialization played a huge role in World War 1. Industrilization allowed for new technology that has never before been seen to be utilized. It also let technology that was being used in the war to be produced in a much faster and effiecent way then before the start of the war. How does Industrialization relate to World War 1? Relates to World War 1 Industrialization relates to the Enlightenment because people would reuse the enlightenment ideas by seeking power of reason to improve society having the knowledge to strengthen technological ideas. Countries had to produce certain technology to obtain the goals of the Enlightenment. How does Industrialization relate to Enlightenment? Relates to Enlightenment Before the French Revolution, France and some other countries weren't industrializing as much as other territory's in Europe. After the events of the French Revolution took place the concept of Industrialization blew up in Europe and spread to countries that weren't doing it before hand. Without the French Revolution a lot of countries in Europe wouldn't have been as industrialized as they are today. How does Industrialization relate to the French Revolution? Relates to the French Revolution Throughout history Industrialization has helped along Imperialism at different time periods. During periods of Industrialization new technology is being produced which led to new ways to take and maintain control and power over other territory's. Industrialization allows Imperialism to be achieved a lot quicker and efficiently. How does Industrialization relate to Imperialism? Relates to Imperialism The French Revolution was a 10 year period of major rebellion and uprising extending from 1789 to 1799. The cause of this revolution was the poor economic state that France was in due to King Louis XVI spending massive amounts of money on unimportant things leaving the country nearly broke. This led French citizens to rebel against certain economic polices that he set up. After the king was executed due to treason Maximilien Robespierre created the Reign of Terror. This meant that anyone who was suspected of treason would be sent to prion or even executed. What is the French Revolution? French Revolution Before the French Revolution France and other countries In Europe were not imperializing other weaker territory's but after the major events of the revolution occurred all of Europe was changed. France, led by Napoleon, needed new resources and they got those new resources by taking control over other countries in Europe. How does the French Revolution relate to Imperialism? Relates to Imperialism Before the French Revolution, France and some other countries

Connect the Dots

Transcript: Connecting the Dots Topics Enlightenment French Revolution Industrialization Imperialism WWI Enlightenment Enlightenment In the late 17th and 18th century, there was an intellectual movement that had people think more of individualism rather than tradtion. People who followed the enlightenment were called philosphers. - Enlightenment transformed human groups by thinking differently about the world - Industrialization transformed human groups by changing how products were manufactored Enlightenment and Industrialization Enlightenment and Industrialization - Philosophers wanted to share their ideas with the world - Countries wanted to spread their influence onto other countries Enlightenment and Imperialism Enlightenment and Imperialism French Revolution French Revolution The French citizens rebelled against their government and overthrew the king which lead to his execution - French Revolution started because the country had an economic struggle, ineffective ruler, and none of the social classes liked each other - WWI started because the two groups of countries, the Allies and the Central Powers, didn't like each other and felt threatened French Revolution and WWI French Revolution and WWI - The idea of a revolution started in France and other countries saw that it worked and revolutions happen throughout Europe - Imperialism is an influence of a country being spread to different countries French Revolution and Imperialism French Revolution and Imperialism Industrialization Industrialization Period of social and economic change that converted an argicultural society into an industrial society - Industrialization was a new way and idea on how to mass produce products at a faster rate - Enlightenment was a new way to think of the world. Instead of doing everything traditionally, they would think more as individuals Industrialization and Enlightenment Industrialization and Enlightenment - Britain changed their methods and ideas on manufacturing and started making large-scale factories instead of individual companies - Countries would go into other countries, take their materials for manufacturing, and teach the natives ideas from their country like how to make more effective weapons Industrialization and Imperialism Industrialization and Imperialism Imperialism Imperialism Countries were competing to take over the most countries and extend the country's power - All the big countries like Britain and France were competing to take over the most countries - WWI Germany wanted to take control of all the countries in Europe Imperialism and WWI Imperialism and WWI - The French were tired of King Louis XVI so they rallied together, stormed the Bastille, and killed the king - Countries would go in, take out the ruler of the country, put in their own, and send orders to the ruler and enforce it Imperialism and The French Revolution Imperialism and The French Revolution WWI WWI War between the Allied Powers and the Central Powers after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand - In WWI, countries with the same ideas became allies and fought against the other countries that thought differently - In imperialism, countries were fighting each other for the land of other countries WWI and Imperialism WWI and Imperialism - Countries fighting in the war created new weapons and techniques such as digging trenches and created poisonious gas - Countries that industrilized did used different tactics to speed up how fast they were making products, like assembly lines, and created new and improved products WWI and Industrialization WWI and Industrialzation

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