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Risk Matrix

Transcript: Zoom out for more assets Asset library Task 11 Quickly outline this task Actions Actions you take can revolve around risk because Task 12 Stressfull Use words or pictures to drive your point home Unnecessary or necessary When you are put in risky situations sometimes you my feel stressed out and my inpair you line of judgement ! What is Risk some events that involve a lot of risk could be desolved by doing actions that arn't necessary to that action Task 10 Risk is a situation that usally involse danger of you or someone around you and much more? every action you take or do will either have a negitive or possitve reaction Provide a short overview of this task Like in a basketball game and its win or lose situation and there are two of your teamates asking for the ball but one is more open then the other, and in that stressful situation you could pass to the wrong guy but some risky situations there may be noway around a unnecessary action but if it makes you feel un safe or the risk to reward ration isn't good then don't do it ! Task 7 Point 1 Point 2 Point 3 Dangerous Everyday life driving your car could be dangerous Work your table saw jaming and you remove the wood and dont turn it of and it starts up and messes up your fingers! sports jummping in a sport could be dangerous school moving desks unproperaly Task 8 Risk Matrix Put an important number or point here Explain the importance of the last part here consequences your actions have comsequences and they could be negitve or possitive! A negitve consequences B Risk one more thing? Task 13 Quickly go over your point here Positive consequences C Risk the board game You could die before you finsh the game because its so long

Risk Matrix

Transcript: Risks Involved in Investing Business Investing is putting your money into stocks or real-estate in anticipation of getting it back one day with a profit on top These can Include: Decreasing stock or bond Prices Real estate value going down. If you sell at these times, you can risk losing money... and lots of it! Before making hasty decisions, I would recommend talking to a seasoned business owner, or investor. If in Business; Keeping your overhead low is essential You Must Evaluate whether your suppliers are reliable As a business owner there is pressure to ensure the work is done right and products are delivered on time, the benefit of this, is you have returning customers. Personal Risk in Business and Investing Risks Involved in Business My Brother and I have had a business in the summer called "FSJBoys Racing 365," where we buy and sell dirtbikes. I have pretty much taken a risk on every Bike that I've boughten, not knowing the condition of internal motor components, and how much money, effort and work it would actually take. What I have found is the appearance of the outside can fool you. We have had bikes that needed full motor rebuilds, which took a lot more money than we expected (Risk) but we have also had bikes that "What you see is what you get" and have profited and seen the rewards from these. Risks can include; *Increasing Overhead Prices *A supplier that does not have the capacity to deliver on a contract. *Machinery or equipment breakdowns, causing delays. *Poor workmanship of employees, causing quality issues *The proceeding points can lead to unhappy customers, which in turn is a risk to the business Business Snowmobiling After Investments Dirtbiking Financial Outdoor Sports Mountain Biking Snowboarding What I think of when I hear the word "Risk." Before Workplace Personal Photo Great Rewards Here Workplace Risks This guy took the risk and "Ate" it! ~When it comes to workplace safety, there is no "Rewards for taking Risks." These can include: *Doing a task without proper PPE * Doing a new Job without proper training or Supervision Thanks For Listening! (If your looking for a bike come hit me up, weve got a few for sale)

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