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Butterfly Garden Powerpoint Template

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Butterfly Garden

Transcript: Description- Has green upper parts and is white below; some have a blue crown. Blue Hook Wing Live Oak Sabal Palm Life Span- 2 to 3 years. Size- 3 to 4 inches Scientific Name- Amazilia Franciae This species inhabits rainforest at the foothills of the eastern Andes, at altitudes between about 400-800 meters above sea level. Scientific name: Acrostichum Danaeifolium Natural Habitat: Mangrove forest and other wetlands. What they need to survive: Leather ferns grow best in partial to full shade. It's black and Blue with white highlights Scientific Name- Papustyla Pulcherrima Scientific name: Crinum Asiaticum Natural habitat: Sandy, seashores, brackish swamps, and mangrove. What they need to survive: Full to shady sunlight and warm tropical climates Callicore Butterfly Emerald Green Snail Scientific Name- Coccinellidae Lady Bug The caterpillar eats a variety of plant leaves, but prefers the pea plant family.The adult cannot chew, therefore it drinks its food. Red Maple Description- Red with black spots, oval shape with short legs, and antennas . Andean Emerald Humming Bird Beach Sunflower Wingspan: 3 - 3 1/2" inches Crinum Lily Butterfly Garden Breeding- The males don't contribute to anything but the mating. He does not help with choosing the nest location, building the nest or raising the chicks. Scientific name- Quercus Virginiana Natural Habitat- Costal areas,inland, and mostly on sandy soils. What they need to survive: Salty soils and shade to grow well. Warm climates due to their inability to survive in freezing temperatures. Native Plants/Trees To South Florida Scientific name: Sabal Palmetto Natural Habitat: Costal areas,Creeks, Lakes, and River Banks What they Need To Survive: Potassium. Potassium is a essential element for Palm Trees. They transfer potassium from their oldest leaves to the new developing leaves. Life-Span About 12 months. Scientific Name: Acer Rumbrum Natural habitat: Hardwood swamps, Creeks, Lakes, and Floodplains of Rivers. What they need to survive: Red Maples need slightly Acidic Soils to thrive and grow. Endangered- People use their shells for jewelry usage. Also logging in rain forest is a huge threat. Leather Fern Description- Vivid green color. Thin layer of green then under the shell is yellow Scientific Name: Callicore Eunomia Scientific name: Helianthus Debilis Natural habitat: Costal areas and beaches. What they need to survive: Full sunlight and acidic soil Callicore eunomia is a pretty butterfly from Neotropic ecozone (South America). The first description was in 1853 by Hewitson. The wingspan is about 3.0 – 4.0 cm. This butterfly is a member of the family NYMPHALIDAE. Callicore eunomia is black. It has a broad, orange or red area on its forewings. On the hind wings there is an area with blue structure colour. The underside is very glorious. Blue Hookwing (Napeocles jucunda)

Butterfly Garden

Transcript: Purple Milkweed Upkeep can include: Planting more milkweed flowers, and other native flowers. Trimming overgrown grassy areas around butterfly garden. Watering flowers in time of low amount of rain. Restocking the butterflies when they die or leave the pond. Repairing flower boxes. Swamp Milkweed $ 333.61 Elementary classes can come to the butterfly gardens during their butterfly life cycle unit in science class. Triangle Flower Bed (2) - $104.10 Squar Flower Bed (2) - $41.64 Bagged Top Soil (8 bags) - $127.02 Butterfly Garden Milkweed Flowers: The other schools on the Carl Junction campus can adopt sections of the butterfly garden, and do the upkeep of the gardens. Swamp Milkweed Citations: Total Budget: Where: Monarch Caterpillar Definition of Problem: Monarch Butterfly Small Monarch Caterpillars (2 batches, about 100 caterpillars in each) $4.00 Flower Bed Building Needs:[0]=field_fg_types%3A5585 Monarch Caterpillars: Add purple, and swamp milkweed flowers to attract Monarch Butterflies which are native to the state of Missouri. CJ Biology Pond Future Plans: Missouri Department of Conservation and Shaw Nature Reserve of the MIssouri Botanical Garden “The Monarch Butterfly” Butterfly Gardening & Conservation (Missouri Department of Conservation) Booklet PlantFinder/PlantFinderDetails.aspx?kempercode=g410 The butterflies will have a positive effect on the pond by adding pollinators, being a food source for birds, and creating biodiversity making a healthier ecosystem. Purple Milkweed High School LA & art classes can use the butterfly gardens as a peaceful place to write and create. Madisyn Leary, Kennedy Bandy, Dalton Honey Block 6 Benefits: Plan to fix the problem: Purple Milkweed Seeds(2 packs) - $53.90 Swamp Milkweed(1 pack) - $2.95 Our biology pond is a beautiful location that needs more life and beauty added to it. Budget:

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