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Facebook Audience Network Presentation Template

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Facebook Character Template

Transcript: Quotation can be from another text, billboard, or modern movie that you think your character would like. Explain why he or she would have chosen this quote. Favorite Quotation England Character #1 Be as specific as possible Character #1 Character's response to the response Your character's response to the above comment Character's name again Comments about above status or above comment from this character Comments about above status or above comment from this character What's on Your Mind? Write something about yourself -- OR -- Blocked List (choose one!) Name of friend #4 Write what would primarily be on the character's mind. This can be a question about what will happen after the novel's end. Explain your reasoning. Link to a video or website that gives more info about your character Character #2 Group #4 name omg guys check out this video haha lol #lovemyfans Comments about above status or above comment from this character Link Name of character and # others like this. "A quotation from the friend" (Chap. #). like comment share Name of friend #3 Groups Your Character Character's response to the response Character #2 Name of friend #1 Character #3 Describe the group and why your character would belong to it. Describe the group and why your character would belong to it. Character #4 "A quotation from the friend" (Chap. #). Group #3 Name Comments about above status from character Include info regarding your relationships with other characters, if you're in conflict with anyone, and what you think about other characters. You can also have this be a "Blocked" list for characters you want to block, but you need a picture and a caption explaining why. Comments about above status or above comment from this character Character #2 "A quotation from the friend" (Chap. #). Character #3 Insert your character's name here Relationship Date of Birth Comments about above status from character Your Character Get as close as you can. Use the clues from the book. Group #5 name "A quotation from the friend" (Chap. #). like comment share Lives In Group #1 name Friends Group #2 name Describe the group and why your character would belong to it. Describe the group and why your character would belong to it. Character #4 Your character's response to the above comment Name of friend #2 Name of character and # others like this. Character #2 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Education Comments about above status or above comment from this character Status: SINGLE AND READY TO MINGLE Describe the group and why your character would belong to it. Status Update like comment share 1st of 15 wall posts that will take us through a timeline of the novel. This one will be the one that is closest to the end of the novel. Character #1 Comments about above status from character Character #2 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Your Character Your character's response to the above comment Character #2 Character's response to the response Character #3 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Character #4 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Name of character and # others like this. Status Update 2nd of 15 wall posts that will take us through a timeline of the novel. Status Update like comment share 3rd of 15 wall posts that will take us through a timeline of the novel. Character #1 Comments about above status from character Character #2 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Your Character Your character's response to the above comment Character #2 Character's response to the response Character #3 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Character #4 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Name of character and # others like this. Status Update like comment share 4th of 15 wall posts that will take us through a timeline of the novel. Character #1 Comments about above status from character Character #2 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Your Character Your character's response to the above comment Character #2 Character's response to the response Character #3 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Character #4 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Name of character and # others like this. Status Update like comment share 5th of 15 wall posts that will take us through a timeline of the novel. Character #1 Comments about above status from character Character #2 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Your Character Your character's response to the above comment Character #2 Character's response to the response Character #3 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Character #4 Comments about above status or above comment from this character Name of character and # others like this. Status Update like comment share 6th of 15 wall posts that

Audience Feedback - Facebook

Transcript: The Audience Promoting the Questionnaires The Questions Conclusion In order to successfully reach your intended audience, it is important to know their interests, and the best ways to catch their attention. For us, this was the use of the internet, specifically social network websites. The questionnares themselves allowed us to collect the information we needed, while the social networking sites allowed us to collect it from as many people as possible. "We still wanted the shot to be quite dark but not as dark as the others, because at this point Grace has arrived and she is sharing her light with everyone about how to be happy and have fun." Audience Feedback In order to gain a high number of useful and appropriate feedback, we had to find a way to successfully reach those we wanted to target: "Our TA thought that the video was very funny, however the lighting at some points was too dark and at one point you couldn't see one of the party guests face because the shadows were too dark. This was easy to solve using the exposure." Since the vast majority of our target audience were members of Facebook, we used the site to promote our questionnaires. This was successful as it allowed us to reach a much larger amount of people than if we had done interviews in person: Through our audience research we discovered that the vast majority of our target audience were avid internet users, especially when it came to social networking sites such as Facebook. Using this knowledge we were able to successfully target our audience; questonnares were conducted through websites, and promoted via Social networking sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. One of the most important ways of obtaining feedback from our target audience was the use of questionnares: This was especially effective as both of us already had existing accounts on the website - by using both of our accounts, we were able to reach a much higher number of people.

CBC Audience Network

Transcript: Pre-targeting: Impressions served on a pre-determined list of websites proven to reach a particular audience profile Keyword Examples for INSERT ADVERTISER Target: Geo-target: list zip codes, counties, DMAs, cities. Geo-fencing: competitors, incubators, business centers, etc Re-targeting: customized keyword list generated Behavioral Target: Individuals with an annual HHI of $75k or more who… Are one of the following - doctor, lawyer, business owners, senior management, finance and accounting, HR professional, professional in advertising, contractor or sales professional, or Have moved to their current residence within the last 3 years, or Are interested in technology Are shopping for corporate attire NEXT STEPS Retargeting: Target specific people who have already been to your website, who have shown an interest in your product or service. Geo-targeting: Spend your marketing dollars where they matter most, by defining the geographical area for your CBCAN campaign by city/zip code/mile radius We have a variety of efficient digital tools to connect your business with your target audience online, via desktops/laptops, tablets & smartphones. Throughout the campaign, Capitol Broadcasting Company and the CBC Audience Network will provide INSERT ADVERTISER with: A CBCAN campaign is a unique combination of digital tools, tailored to fit your business Geo-Fencing Retargeting: Target specific people who have already been to your website, who have shown an interest in your product or service. Ad Creation: Our design team will work with you to develop and create compelling banner ads for each campaign. Monthly Reports: Campaign Reporting and analysis of your online audience allows us to tailor your digital campaign in order to reach your target audience most affectively. Website and landing page consultation: We will work with your team to ensure that your websites and back-end measurement tools are set up to capitalize on the campaign. Audience Profile Tags: CBCAN will track your audience monthly. A CBCAN campaign is a unique combination of digital tools, tailored to fit your business Define your target and goal Have a powerful message Use keywords Keep it simple Display your brand prominently Integrate with other marketing Entice the customer Use a clear call to action Create a sense of urgency Use imagery and purposeful animation Keep things fresh Deliver on your landing page Use sound design principals Bigger is better Search Retargeting: If they’ve been to your website, searched for your products and services, or they’re reading content relevant to what you offer, we’ll help you reach them with the re-targeting bundle Suggested Monthly CBCAN Plan for INSERT ADVERTISER in 2015: Your signature below indicates you’re ready to move forward: Name:______________________ Date:_______________ Retargeting: Target specific people who have already been to your website, who have shown an interest in your product or service. We have a variety of efficient digital tools to connect your business with your target audience online, via desktops/laptops, tablets & smartphones. INSERT ADVERTISERS LOGO HERE Pre-targeting: Impressions served on a pre-determined list of websites proven to reach a particular audience profile Pre-targeting: Impressions served on a pre-determined list of websites proven to reach a particular audience profile Targeted Pre-roll Video: Serve :15 or :30 video pre-roll ads online to people who fit your target audience profile CBC Audience Network General keywords: List examples of keywords based on their product or service Competitors in area: Great tactic to use is listing their competitors in the area, this gives them an idea of what we can do, and who we can get in front of. Additional Keywords to add per client: … Always note that keyword lists are completely customizable Targeted Pre-roll Video: Serve :15 or :30 video pre-roll ads online to people who fit your target audience profile Search Retargeting: If they’ve been to your website, searched for your products and services, or they’re reading content relevant to what you offer, we’ll help you reach them with the re-targeting bundle INSERT ADVERTISERS LOGO HERE We have a variety of efficient digital tools to connect your business with your target audience online, via desktops/laptops, tablets & smartphones. Geo-targeting: Spend your marketing dollars where they matter most, by defining the geographical area for your CBCAN campaign by city/zip code/mile radius Search Retargeting: If they’ve been to your website, searched for your products and services, or they’re reading content relevant to what you offer, we’ll help you reach them with the re-targeting bundle Targeted Pre-roll Video: Serve :15 or :30 video pre-roll ads online to people who fit your target audience profile Geo-targeting: Spend your marketing dollars where they matter most, by defining the geographical area for your CBCAN campaign by city/zip code/mile radius Target: Geo-target: list zip

Facebook Audience

Transcript: Gender - The amount of women that use twitter is only 21%, where as the males that use Twitter is 24% Age - The popular age group for people using LinkedIn is 30-49 at 31%. Then following there is 50-64 with 30% then the 18-26 at 23% which leaves 21% for people aged over 65 Income - The largest income percentage is at above $75,000 at 44% then it is $75,000 to $50,000 at 31%. The less popular income is $49,000 to $30,000 at 21% and the lowest being under $30,000 being at 15% Instagram allows people to post photos and videos they have taken. They can easily connect with family and friends Income - The most popular at 28% is the below $30,000, then 26% for above $75,000 and also 26% for income between $75,000 and $50,000 with the least popular being $30,000 to 49,000 at 23% Snapchat is a popular social media which allows users to send and receive pictures and videos. Celebrities can also use snapchat to advertise products. Education - 50% of the users are college are college graduates which makes sense as Linkedin is mainly used for employment purposes. Then with 22% is people in college and 12% in highschool and less Pinterest is a social media network that allows users to visually share and discover new interests by posting images. They can also do search up interests to get new ideas. Age - The most popular age is 18-29 at as much as 53% and the least popular is at 65+ which is only 6%. Income - The most popular income is between $75,000 and $50,000 at 27%. Then there is $30,000 to $49,000 at 21% and finally the least popular is below $30,000 at 20% Gender - The majority of users of Google+ is male at 74% where as women users is only 24%. This shows that it will be beneficial for a male product to be advertised on Google+ Education - Most popular jobs for people using Google+ are engineers at 29%, developer at 17%, software engineer at 12%, designer at 14%, teacher also being 14% and finally web designer 5%, therefore its mainly well educated people Age - The popular age group for snapchat is under 25's with 71% and then the over 25's with 29%. This shows that the audience on snapchat would be the younger audience Gender - The more popular gender are the women with 42% and the males with only 13%. This shows that a business will main products aimed at women on Pinterest. Location - Least popular location is rural at 19% and most popular one is urban at 28% Age - The age range for people that use Facebook is 18-65+, the most popular one being 18-29 at 89% and less popular 65+ which is at 56% Education - The most popular education for users is the people in college at 31%. Then go the college graduates at 24% and people still in high school at 23% Location - The most popular location is rural with 30%, which is the first social media to have so. Then there is suburban with 29% and finally the urban location with 25% Income - The income is not expressed too deeply but above $50,000 is 62% and below $50,000 is 38%. This is explained by the younger audience which doesn't have good jobs yet Education - College students have 53% Twitter is an online social media network that allows people to put comments called tweets as well as share (retweet) others peoples tweets. Gender - The most popular gender is women at 29% whereas males only have 22%. This suggests that businesses are more likely to promote female products. Location - As Google+ is used all across the globe the location is expressed in which countries use it. The most popular is USA with 55%, India at 18%, Brazil 6%, UK at 5% and finally Canada with 4%. Gender - The gender of users is very close as the women that use linked in are at 27% whereas males have 28% Age - The most popular age that uses Twitter is 18-29 at 37%, where as 65+ are only at 10%. This can have an impact on the target audience chosen by the brand. Education - 30% of the users of Twitter are college graduates, 24% of the users are still in college and only 16% of the users are still in high school or less Location - 25% of smartphone users in the UK use snapchat as well as 50% of smartphone users in Norway have the app on their phones Twitter Audience Facebook is a popular social networking site that allows users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, send messages and keep in touch with family and friends as well as allow businesses to allow to advertise their products. Linkedin in a social media site that is used for business purposes. This allows members to have a profile to show what they offer as well as business to broadcast what jobs they have on offer Gender - The gender percentages is at 70% for women and only 30% for men. This shows that a business will most likely aim products for women on snapchat. Location - The most popular location that uses Twitter is urban at 25%, in order the next is suburban at 23% and the least popular is rural which is at 17% Education - Pinterest is the most popular with college graduates with 32%. Then just a few percentages away are

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