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Puzzle Pieces

Transcript: The Emotional Roller Coaster Puzzle Pieces Introduction INTRODUCE YOURSELF  Who you are  The reason you’re speaking PUBLIC THANK YOU  Principal  Main contact/educator  Youth groups i.e. Social Justice Clubs  General audience acknowledge of past/current involvement FTC/M2W OVERVIEW AND PROGRAM SPECIFIC MESSAGING  Key Messaging  Tag lines  Goals  Achievements ICE BREAKER/GET TO KNOW THE SPEAKER GAME  2 TRUTHS AND A LIE  WHO DONE IT…  TRUE OR FALSE RANDOM FACTS Personal Story Writing your personal story is one of the toughest puzzle pieces to craft. This is only part of the speech where you get to share something really personal with your audience. This is where you get to really connect with your audience, the more real and honest you are the stronger the connection with your audience will be. It’s really important that you are comfortable as a speaker sharing whatever part of your life you are speaking about. Write, write, write and write some more and then practice as much as you can in front of as many people as you can in order to get comfortable talking about yourself in front of audeinces. Key questions to ask yourself when writing your personal story…  Why should the audience be listening to me?  Why is my story relevant?  What is the message of my story?  Have I overcome any challenges in my life? And how?  Is there anyone that has impacted me? And how?  Where has my life journey taken me thus far/ travelled/ volunteered anywhere?  Have I volunteered anywhere in high school or university, locally or globally?  What is the message you want your audience to take away from your story?  How does your story relate to the overall message/theme of the speech? Your story must always relate to overall objective and theme of your speech! PARTNER’S PERSONAL STORY Both your story and your partner’s story should have somewhat of the same message/theme. They should flow into each other seamlessly, whether you use a simliar phrase, moment, idea, statistic, joke, etc…it’s very important that these puzzle pieces are smooth. Remember that you are taking the audience on a journey; your audience needs to be engaged. Depending on the layout and topic of your speech and/or speaking tour; try to balance each other out when it comes to sharing personal life expereices. For example if one of you talks about a local experience than the other partner talks about a global experience, vice versa. Be Dynamic, Be Creative, Be Honest, Be Real and SPEAK FROM YOUR HEART! (t)ISSUES AWARENESS Interactive Break CRAIG AND IQBAL WHY we tell Craig and Iqbals story…they are great examples of young people who stood up for something they believed in and the power that one person has to make a difference. The main points to highlight in Craig’s Story are… • 12 year old boy from Toronto • Newspaper headline in the Toronto Star “Battled Child Labour, Boy 12, Murdered” • Iqbal’s story  Sold into child labour for 16 USD at the age of 4  Worked in carpet factory until he was freed at 10 years old by a human rights organization  Iqbal started travelling the world speaking out against child labour  Iqbal spoke in front of the United Nations  Easter weekend he went home to see his family and friends and while riding his bike outside his home he was shot and killed • Craig compared his life to Iqbal’s • Craig returns to school with the article – confused, angry, motivated to action • “I don’t know much about child labour but I know it’s wrong and we have to do something about it” ….. • Craig stands in front of his grade 7 class and asks “who here will help me?” • 11 hands were raised and that is how Free the Children was started • 12 12 year olds started the largest network of children helping children through education Adopt a Village AAV for short, is one piece of the speeching puzzle, you will need to know how to speak out it and relate it to your overall message/theme of your speech. • Where does AAV take place (in which countries)? • Who gets involved? • What are the different components to AAV? • Why is it important? • When can young people get involved? • How can young people (your audience) get involved? • Explain the pillars of aav (education, water, medicine) and how they are connected. Be clear and simplify AAV and how easy it is for your audience to get involved. Use pictures, stories, statistics, videos, etc to help make this piece more impactful. YOUTH STORY highlight that young people have the power to make a difference in their school and/or their community. Using a youth story can provide your audience with inspiration and reasurrance that that their actions will have an impact. Really emphasize the point that our world needs young people to step up and be positive role models and influences on those around them. One small action over time will have a big impact! Past examples of Youth Stories include: • Bo Palmer who started Triple S (students supporting sports) to provide youth at risk with postiive outlets

Puzzle Pieces

Transcript: Segregation was when states would separate whites from other races, and they were treated horrible and they didn't have anything good. Segregation Interventionism vs. Isolationism connects to Progresivism, because during the Progressive Era the economy was starting to change and become more industrialize so they would need to stay from war to strive to become a better economy. Important person at this time was Franklin D. Roosevelt because he help the United States through the Great Depression and WW2. Rosa Parks was a very important leader during The Civil Rights Movement; she help cause the Montgomery Bus Boycott This picture represents a important person Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who help stop segregation with his boycotts; and his famous I have a dream speech. Isolationism is when the U.S. was neutral during some of WW1. Till the RMS Lusitania was sank by Russian submarines and Russia send a telegram for Mexico to attack the U.S., and that's Interventionism. A important person at this time is Woodrow Wilson because of his Wilson's Fourteen Points and the Treaty of Versailles it ended WW1. The Civil Rights Movement was time where groups like the SCLC, FOR, NAACP, and etc. Had march's and boycotts to stop segregation, and gives blacks more civil rights. WW1 is connected to Interventionism vs. Isolationism World War 1 was a war started because the Austria leader was assassinated, which lead to them wanting to start a fight with the Central Powers. Then U.S. jump in to create peace through the country's. Ulysses S. Grant is important because he help improve the lives of black people and the improvement of industries in ' the United States. Interventionism vs. Isolationism Progressivism 1861-1865 1914-1918 Progresivim connects to women suffarge because during this time everyone was evolving into a new society so women felt like they should be apart of that and have a say in it. Industrialization The Civil War connects to Sectionalism, the reason it does is because a lot of political sectionalism started to build between the North and the South, which later lead to them fighting over Fort Sumter which began the Civil War. Civil War 1848-1920 The Civil Rights Movement 1870-1916 World War 1 Women's Suffrage A important person at this time was Theodore Roosevelt, the reason I say this is because at this time he was a president who did make a lot of laws to make food, drugs, and homes a lot more cleaner. Dred Scott(picture) is important person in this time because he believe that sense his master died and he was in a free state he should be free. The Civil War was first a war about Union trying to get the Confederate States of American to join back with the, then after the Emancipation Proclamation it became about slavery. March 06, 1857 1890's- 1920's The development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale. The Civil War connects to the Industrialization because if it wasn't for the war and the army's needing weapons they would have start making factories. Its where a Slave sue for his freedom after his, slave owner died but it didn't work out. It made a lot of issues with slaves even worse. WW2 was a war between the Axis and Allied powers because the Axis powers were creating conflict. 1954 – 1968 This picture represent the different flags the Confederate had, and what the Union had to show there difference and what they stand for. Women's Suffrage is where women fought and protested for women to have the right to vote. Dred Scott Decision Segregation connects to the Jim Crow Laws because the Jim Crow Laws allowed blacks and whites to be separated but equal to each other they said. Puzzle Pieces 1850-1970 1914-1918 1939-1945 A important person at this time was Woodrow Wilson because he wanted to push the progressive ideas through out the world and he wanted to make the U.S. economy better. The Civil Rights Movement connects Segregation; because the whole movement was on stopping segregation through the United States. World War 2 Susan B. Anthony is very important women's suffrage because she dedicated her life to it, and also founded the National Women’s Suffrage Association. The Dred Scott Decision connect the Civil War because after Dred Scott try to sue for his freedom in a Free land which Abraham made a free state which the South and North are fighting over. Progresivim is Era where a lot of development and Machine. and also factory working going on. WW2 connects to World War 1; because of the economic collapse from WW1 it led to the rise of fascism in Europe till WW2. Then the Nazis version of fascism was to get rid of the Versailles Treaty and to establish the German empire through War.

Puzzle Pieces

Transcript: Dates: 1789 - 1799 Quote: "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world" Influential Person: Karl Marx Renaissance Definition: The policy where the military can be used to get more power for a country Definition: Civil Rights leaders of the US used Gandhi's ideas to protest about unfair government policies Russian Revolution Quote: "Art is never finished, only abandoned" Dates: 1543 - 1800 Influential Person: Chiang Kai-Shek Influential Person: Adolf Hitler Definition: Where people in an economy live their lives equally World War II Dates: 1517 - 1648 Quote: "To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge" Quote: "Ideas are more powerful than guns. Dates: 1300 - 1600 Connection: The French Revolution was caused by the Americans because Quote: "Death is the solution to all problems. No man - no problem." Definition: The period when improvements were made in sciences Definition: Two wars fought between the ruling party Kuomintang and the Communist party of China Influential Person: Francois - Marie Arouet (Volitare) American Civil Rights Movements Connection: Workers of the factories wanted better conditions and to be equal with the factory owners Definition: When there was value in reason and individualism instead of tradition Definition: The rediscovery of literature of Greece and Rome Dates: 1917 - 1918 South African Civil Rights Movement Definition: A war fought from 1939 to 1945 between the Axis Powers and the Allies Scientific Revolution Quote: "You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say" Influential Person: George Stephenson Quote: "All men are born with a nose and ten fingers, but no one was born with a knowledge of God" Quote: "The rage for railroads is so great that many will be laid in parts where they will not pay" Connection: The increased emphasis on Communism Connection: World War 2 left China without rest, leaving them vulnerable to be attacked by Japan in WW2 Quote: "There is no justice among men" Dates: 1600 - 1800 Connection: Connects to the Indian Independence Movement and the American Civil Rights Movement because the leaders of the ANC patterned some of their protests after the other movements. Indian Independence Movement Definition: When India got their independence from Britain and got Gandhi's help Quote: "If it were necessary to give the briefest possible definition Dates: 1929 - 1950 Industrial Revolution Puzzle Pieces Connection: The Age of Exploration was caused by the Renaissance because the increased interest in technology led to explorers seeking new riches. Influential Person: Nicolas Copernicus Quote: "Following the light of the sun, we left the Old World" Definition: A revolution in the Russian empire when the tsarist was thrown out and replaced by Bolshevik rule by Lenin Connection: The Protestant Reformation made people begin to wonder if the Roman Catholic Church was wrong about some things it said imperialism, we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism" Influential Person: Joseph Stalin Influential Person: Nelson Mandela Influential Person: Martin Luther Quote: "Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide." Quote: I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Definition: A revolution in France that led to the end of their monarchy Influential Person: John Adams Connection: Ideas the Church was wrong about science led philosophers to question the Church's role in government science led to new ideas like the steam engine Cold War Quote: "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it" Age Of Exploration: Influential Person: Tsar Nicholas II Dates: 1430 - 1542 Dates: 1954-1968 they got their ideas to overthrow the king from the American colonists Imperialism Definition: When the Thirteen American colonies rejected the British monarchy and aristocracy Connection: Conflicts in Africa & Asia led to increased conflicts in Europe too; Countries began to develop strong national identities Influential Person: Dr. Martin Luther King French Revolution Dates: 1820 - 1840 Connection: The Roman Catholic Church began as the official state religion of the roman empire World War I Quote: "Live as if you were to die tomorrow; learn as if you were to live forever" Definition: When there was an attempt to re-make the Roman Catholic Church but instead it made the Protestant churches Quote: "There are three essential factors in all human activity: spirit, materials, and action" Dates: 1857 - 1947 Dates: 1840 - 1916 Influential Person: Joseph Stalin Connection: Dr. King & the Civil Right leaders of the US got their ideas about protesting unfair government policies from Gandhi Dates: 1870 - 1914 Influential Person: Vladimir Lenin Influential Person: Christopher Columbus

Puzzle Pieces

Transcript: Puzzle Pieces Children with Autism Objective: to inform on autism spectrum Define the disorder therios of causes of autism digniosis and testing the diffrent spectrums of autism the outlook for children with autism Autism is a developmental disorder that appears in the first 3 years of life, and affects the brain's normal development of social and communication skills. (Autism, 2010) What Does this mean? by the time the child is 18 months most parents begin to notice something is wrong with the child. children with autism often have trouble in social interaction, and communicating both verbally & nonverbally. (Autism , 2010) autism occurs 3 to 4 times more likely to occur in boys then girls. according to the CDC there are 3 diffrent types of autism spectrum disorder. Autistic Disorder (also called “classic” autism). Often language delays, social and communuication "challenges" and often unusal and often repetitive behaviors such as rocking. Many also have intellectual disabilities. Asperger Syndrome usually display milder symptoms of autistic . However they often have social challenges, and often have unsusual behaviors and interests. Although generally they do not have language problems. Pervasive Developmental Disorder – Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS; also called “atypical autism”) People who meet some of the criteria for autistic disorder or Asperger syndrome, but not all, may be diagnosed with PDD-NOS. People with PDD-NOS usually have fewer and milder symptoms than those with autistic disorder. The symptoms might cause only social and communication challenges. (CDC, 2011) Signs of Autism Aside from difficulties in social interactions parents will notice a variety of symptoms Not respond to their name by 12 months Not point at objects to show interest (point at an airplane flying over) by 14 months Not play "pretend" games (pretend to "feed" a doll) by 18 months Avoid eye contact and want to be alone Have trouble understanding other people's feelings or talking about their own feelings Have delayed speech and language skills Repeat words or phrases over and over (echolalia) Give unrelated answers to questions Get upset by minor changes Have obsessive interests Flap their hands, rock their body, or spin in circles Have unusual reactions to the way things sound, smell, taste, look, or feel Many children with autism have issues with sensory items. Individuals who have autism might not have sensory systems that know what input to let in and what input to filter out. Distinguish between hyperactive and hypoactive sensory systems. Individuals with hyperactive sensory systems will typically avoid activities that involve motion while ones who have hypoactive sensory systems will seek out activities that involve motion. EVERYONE has sensory issue! Imagine going through life with people constantly scraping nails on a chalkboard! Autism is also a biological disorder, associated with a number of medical conditions. Changes have been described in the brains of some children with autism that could only have occurred during the first 3 months of pregnancy. Inflammatory changes in the blood have been demonstrated at birth in children subsequently diagnosed with autism. However, nothing has been concretely discovered in this area (Taylor, 2006). Some think that postnatal agents have a hand in autism, the most popular culprit blamed is vaccines specifically MMR (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) in which are coincidentally given around the same time that children will begin to show clear signs of autism(Taylor, 2006). This is thought to be the cause when a child has regressive autism in which they grow and develop what seems to be normally and then regress loosing speech, and social skills. Most doctors however feel that MMR s are not the cause of autism, and feel the benefits of this vaccine far outweighs any potential risk (Taylor, 2006). Diagnosis Unlike many other diseases there is no concrete test for autism Doctors instead look at a Childs behavior and diagnose the child. By 18 months most parents will begin to see signs of autism in their child By two years diagnosis is reliable, however for many children especially those with a milder case of autism diagnosis can come much later This means that those children do not get the early on assistance they need, that will help in socialization and other help they need (Autism, 2010). There are several schools of thought on how to manage autism a. Some feel that diet can play a major role in managing autism in children GFCF Diet: Many autistic children improved greatly with a casein and gluten Free diet. Casein is found in milk and gluten in wheat, oat, rye, and barley. Anti-yeast Treatment: Some experts believe that yeast infections (which may result from antibiotic treatment) make autism more severe. Syndromes include thrush (white patches in mouth). Avoid malt, vinegar, pickles, chocolate, peanuts, corn and chicken. Also avoiding foods with dyes such as colored candies.

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