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Carnival Powerpoint Presentation Template

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Carnival presentation

Transcript: Presented by Tony, Simon, Leo, David, Cathy, Coco Carnival Presentation Topic: History Introduction Our team Tony is the leader... No doubt.. Tony Fan Simon Pan David Dong Leo Li Coco Yang Cathy Song How it all begins How it all begins A long time ago, carnival was start in 19 century mid-term, initially, "carnival" ... The Brazilian carnival was first start in 19 century mid-term, initially, "carnival" is only for noble's party. People used mask and makeups to dress themselves up and have fun. In 1852, a portuguese named Azevedo led a band to do the music on the street. At that time, no matter what colour of skin people were or how old is he/she, male or female. They all danced together, while the whole city became joyful. This party was successful and it became a big development of carnival. The celebration is held for 5 days, 40 days before Easter. Did you know? History throughout time Histories through out times In Rio de Janeiro, the first samba schools were established in the early 1920s; the first samba parade competitions were held in 1933. During the 1840s, masquerade carnival balls became popular in polkas and waltzes . A decade later, street parades with horse drawn floats and military bands became the important part of the carnival. Towards the end of the century, the carnival became a working class festivity (a festival where you can be more socialized) where people wore costumes and joined the parade accompanied by musicians playing string instruments and flutes. The Samba Schools would use irony and sarcasm to express their displeasure and disagreement with the government and the people’s desire for freedom. In Rio de Janeiro, the first samba schools were established in the early 1920s; t... Almost all of the music played at Brazil’s Carnival is samba. Did you know? Things about Brazilian carnival Things about Brazilian canival dance, music (axé, somba, frevo), parade, Curitiba Rock Festival, carnival Zombie Walk, and more.. Events in the carnival Events in the carnival There are different style of celebrating the Brazilian carnival, and these styles came from different places (p.s. I think they're all the same). Here are all the 'styles' of Brazilian carnival. Rio de Janeiro (Portugal), Bahia style (Bahia), Pernambuco style (Pernambuco), São Paulo style (São Paulo), Espírito Santo style (Vitória), Minas Gerais style (Belo Horizonte and the historic cities of Ouro Preto, Mariana, São João del Rei, and Diamantina). Places that celebrates Brazilian canival Places that celebrates Brazilian canival There are ver 500,000 visitors who attends for the Carnival every year, and with over 2 million people on the streets every day of the event. Did you know? Q&A Q A & How many days is between the carnival and Easter? The celebration is held for 5 days, 40 days before Easter. What music was played the most during the Brailian carnival? Almost all of the music played at Brazil’s Carnival is samba. Around how many visitors comes to the carnival every year? There are ver 500,000 visitors who attends for the Carnival every year, and with over 2 million people on the streets every day of the event. Thank you for listening! The end

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