You're about to create your best presentation ever

Church Vision Powerpoint Template

Create your presentation by reusing a template from our community or transition your PowerPoint deck into a visually compelling Prezi presentation.

PSAV Vision Template

Transcript: XYZ's PSAV Experience 20' x 60' Blended Widescreen The ability to have picture in picture allows for all of your ideas to be present and have screen time, without having to be the focal point. Hint: WONDERFUL branding opportunity to showcase your sponsors! Optimal screen real estate With this screen taking up nearly 2/3rds of your ballroom, the attendees will be enticed from the start. The ultra-wide screen allows you to present your content in a variety of ways. For instance: you can show your presentation on the right, while running a video on the left. Attendees will never be able to say they were bored in your session again! Engaging way to display content Eye-Catching Lighting & Custom Stage Set Create your own captivating lighting show (with the help of your dedicated lighting engineer) to control the mood for your desired outcome. These lights will be flown from the ceiling, and can move all around. Your set will also include 30 uplights behind the stage for a definitive impact. Custom Light Show The stage where your teams message will be delivered is almost as important as the content. Sometimes the presenter can even get lost on a large, box-shaped stage. PSAV plans to design and create you an almost invisible stage. This will be leveled off the ground so your presenter looks like they are almost floating. It will curve (depending on your content) to flow with that. This way when your presenter is moving around the stage, this forces them to move with it and really engage with the content and your attendees! Individualized Set Design Full show audio and video recording Your team (or PSAV for an additional charge) can take bits and pieces from the full recording to utilize in an endless number of ways. Upload your keynote's walk-in onto your Instagram story, get the highlights from your CEO's speech uploaded to your company's website, etc. The possibilities go on and on and on! Marketing Tools Upload a link to your internal website for all attendees that could not make it, to listen along to the audio recording. With this, everyone can feel like they were there... almost. Get to EVERYONE $160k - $180k for a 3 day event

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable