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coding presentation!!!!!

Transcript: cody glover #GETBEASTED INTRODUCTION Spacecraft often run using old-fashioned computer systems because engineers are confident their programs do the job well, while making a new one is risky and expensive. INTRODUCTION thesis Coding should not be a graduation requirement because: it helpes you say when your computer sets a virus you can fix it. Or when your phone has a problum you can fix it, what im saying is, it benefits you to have a coding background of some sort also it can save you a lot of money thesis Body paragraph 1 Should computer science be a mandatory part of a high school curriculum? The answer depends on the time horizon, and also on how one defines.”computer science.” The question is moot in the the long run, computational thinking and digital literacy will be mandatory,although perhaps integrated in other fields or introduced earlier, before high school. Body paragraph 1 reason 1 it will greatly benefit you if you did take this class plus they pay really well reason 1 To further explain: body paragraph 2 "However, one class in seventh grade has become very important to me, as I use the skills I learned in that class every day of my life: That class was my typing class. I can still envision that class as if it were yesterday, with my seat in the middle of the first row, learning to touch-type on an IBM Selectric typewriter. I even remember the line I had to type over and over again as part of a test to determine how fast I typed: “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country.” I can still touch-type that sentence today in about five seconds. Back then, the goal was to touch type at about 90 words per minute." body paragraph 2 why? I took the last paragraph from another site on the internet to show how usefull coding can be to anyone also to get a differnt point of veiw on should codeing be a graduation requirment. why? Counter Argument: Computational thinking – which is the logic, algorithmic thinking, and problem-solving aspects of computer science – provides an analytical backbone that is useful for every single student, in any career. Schools teach math to students regardless of whether they want to become mathematicians, because it is foundational. Counter Argument: Reason 1: You could say it's your decision which your right but it will greatly benefit you if you did take this class plus they pay really well. Reason 1: Lastly: CONCLUSION CONCLUSION what you just read was my opinion on should coding be a grauation requirement Because it's your decision it will greatly benefit you if you d... Because it's your decision it will greatly benefit you if you did take this class plus they pay really well.

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