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Pregnant Woman

Transcript: I chose this painting for two reasons. One: Because as a soon to be mother it really drew my attention. Two: I've had 3 miscarriages in since March of last year. The little boy that I'm carrying is my rainbow baby, my little miracle. It may be the hormones talking but this piece honestly brought me to tears. So I guess you could say i chose it for emotional reasons as well. Who made it? The painting is done by Louise Bourgeois. She is a French-American artist who mainly known for her large scale sculptures and instillation art. She painted a lot of different elements including family, sexuality, the body, and death and subconscious. She died in 2010 at the age of 98. Words Art historians use: Questions Art Historians use: ART 101 Journal Week 2 Pregnant Woman Interpretation/Analysis Reflection: Bourgeois, L. (2008). Pregnant Woman. [Gouache on paper; 60 x 45.7 cm]. Retrieved from Louise Bourgeois - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2016, from What is it's style? French Modern Contemporary Material: Gouache on paper. Gouache paint is similar to watercolor modified to make it opaque. Technique: Using one color but adding more and more water to make it lighter, or removing water to make it darker. Texture: The painting itself is probably smooth, I couldn't find anything on the texture of the painting. But then again since it is water based the paper is probably a little water warped. References: Pregnant Woman depicts an inside look at the womb of a woman. From the looks of it the baby is head down, which to my knowledge means that the woman is close to giving birth, because the baby is in the ideal position to push. As a soon to be mother this painting really caught my eye. It depicts the soon to be start of a new life. It truly is a miracle, considering most women miscarry at least once, this painting is truly meaningful to me.

Pregnant Woman and Microwaves

Transcript: Microwaves are safe for pregnant Women The radiation safety experts at the Health Physics Society say, "Current models of microwave ovens for domestic use are shielded to reduce microwave radiation levels to very small levels. Leakage from operating ovens is minimal. Because of the minimal radiation levels, there have been no reports of adverse pregnancy outcomes (i.e., ill effects in the newborn) as a result of microwave oven use." But that's not all. The Kalamazoo-based Bronson Methodist Hospital Healthcare in Review (Fall 2000) states, "Microwave ovens are safe to use during pregnancy because the radiation is nonionizing, and the microwaves cannot penetrate the mother to the fetus even if the oven were leaking radiation. The dangers of microwave radiation, much like the dangers of cell phone and other non-ionizing forms of radiation, have absolutely no basis in scientific fact. Microwave radiation can't change the molecular structure of anything, because it simply doesn't have enough energy to break apart chemical bonds. Pro: Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic radiation – waves of electrical and magnetic energy moving together. Microwaves cause water molecules in food to vibrate which produces heat to cook the food. At high levels, microwaves can also heat body tissue in the same way. However, the levels of radiation in modern domestic microwave ovens are low and not thought to pose a risk to the health of either a woman or her unborn baby, although admittedly, there hasn’t been extensive research on the topic.


Transcript: Cardiovascular Placental Hormones Anatomy & Physiology Musculoskeletal Bickley, L. S. (2007). Bates’s Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. (10th ed). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins. No menses Nausea with or without vomiting Weight loss Fatigue CRH & ACTH Follow Ups Stimulates lactotrophs in the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland to get the breast tissue ready for lactation Hegar's sign Health Promotion and Counseling Modified Leopold's Maneuvers Third Maneuver (Lower pole) Turn and face the women's feet. Using the flat palmar surfaces of the fingers of both hands and, at the start, touching the fingertips together, palpate the area just above the symphysis pubis (this tells you the presenting part the head and buttocks) Early sign of pregnancy where there is an increase vascularity throughout the pelvic. The vagina takes on a bluish or violet color Expected Weeks of Delivery Count in weeks from the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) Use the date of conception Expected date of Delivery (EDD) Negele's Rule- (assuming regular 28- to 30-day menstrual cycle EDD by adding 7 days to the first day of the LMP, subtract 3 months, and add 1 year. Extremities General inspection of extremities by having the women sitting down or lying on her left side Inspect the legs for varicose veins Inspect the hands and feet for any edema. Palpate pretibial, ankle, and pedal edema. Check knee and ankle reflexes Modified Leopold's Maneuvers First Maneuver (Upper pale) Stand at the women's side, palpate gently with the fingertips to determine what part of the fetus is in the upper pole of the uterine fundus. Rising progeserone levels relaxes tone and concentration in the ureters, causing hydronephrosis, and in the bladder, increase risk for bacteriuria Techniques of Examination Weeks of Gestation and Expected Date of Delivery Modified Leopold's Maneuvers Beginning at 28 weeks of gestation the examiner may maneuver the baby to determine fetus position in relating to which end of the fetus is presenting at the pelvic inlet (head or buttocks) Weight gain Lumbar Lordosis Ligamentous laxicity in the sacroiliac joints and the pubic symphysis, to ease the passage of the baby through the birth canal Enlargement of the breasts and the uterus Remains normal size but estrogen and stimulation of the Thyrotropin receptor lead to fluctuation in free T4 and T3 levels Assessment The palpable softening at the isthmus is an early diagnostic sign of pregnancy Past Family Medical History Special Techniques Questions Progesterone Speculum Examination Inspect the cervix for color, shape, and healed lacerations Take pap smears-vaginal and cervical specimens Inspect the vaginal walls for color, discharge, rugae, and relaxation. A bluish or violet color, deep rugae, and increase milky white discharge, (leukorrhea) are normal Genitalia/ Anus/ and Rectum Inspect external genitalia-noting hair, color and scars. Note enlarge of the labia and clitoris, which is normal Inspect the anus for hemorrhoids. If present, note their size and location. Palpate Bartholin's and Skene's glands. No discharge or tenderness should be present Check for cystocele and rectocele During pregnancy, hormonal changes lead to extensive anatomical and physiologic changes in every major body system The Inital Prenatal Visit Confirmingthe pregnancy Assessing the health status of the mother and any risks for complications Counseling to ensure birth of a healthy baby. Special Techniques Corticotrophin-releasing hormone and adrenal adrenocortitropic hormone produce a state of relative hypercortisolism that may be a trigger for labor Excerise Immunizations Chadwick's sign Weight Gain Thorax and Lungs Inspect for chest for symmetry elevation of the diaphragm and increased chest diameter is normal. Heart Palpate the apical pulse. May be slighter higher in advance pregnancy. Auscultate the heart. A venous hum and systolic or continous mammary souffle is normal. Nutrition Posterior Pituitary Gland Prior pregnancies (complications) Delivery process- vaginally, assistance of forceps or vacuum, or by cesarean section Birth weight of prior children Growth, retarded, or large for gestational age? Estradiol General Survey Reference Expected Height of the uterine by months of pregnancy How much additional calories should the pregnant woman consume in her diet each day: A- 200 Kilocalories B- 300 Kilocalories C- 400 Kilocalories D- 500 Kilocalories You are assessing the current state of health of a pregnant woman. which of the following past medical history is important: A- Hypertension B- Asthma C- Cardiac conditions D- All of the above Pregnant women should engage in moderate exercise for 30 minutes a day Women who exercise before pregnancy should do it 3 times per week. Women initiating exercise should be cautious and consider programs specfic for pregnant women Modified Leopold's Maneuvers Fourth Maneuver (confirmation of the presenting part) With your

Pregnant woman smoking

Transcript: smoking is basically the inhalation of tobacco or a certain type of drugs What is smoking? Smoking while Breastfeeding Cigarette smoke contains "lung unfriendly" substances such as carbon monoxide from tobacco burning. Heart rate also increases as the body struggles to transport a healthy flow of oxygen. These effects will also be reflected on the fetus, and its risks of getting major lung problems; emphysema, asthma, bronchitis, in its life increases by 50 percent. WHY IS SMOKING BAD FOR EXPECTING MOTHERS? EFFECTS OF SMOKING ON PREGNANT WOMEN Cancer Stroke Leukemia (blood cell cancer) Pneumonia Asthma The effects on the mom Effects of smoking during pregnancy Cigarette smoke consists of the active ingredient, carbon monoxide, and addictive substance, nicotine. Nicotine itself when burnt, will release more than 4,000 chemicals, including well known poisonous compounds such as cyanide, lead, and 60 carcinogens. During pregnancy, these compounds are channeled into the bloodstream of the mother's body, which also means that a portion of it is transferred to the fetus through the uterus. Some of the chemicals in cigarettes can pass from the mother to the baby through breastmilk. Smoking can reduce milk production. Women who smoke are less likely to breastfeed and are more likely to wean their children earlier than mothers who do not smoke. SMOKING MAKES YOU AND YOUR BABY'S OXYGEN FLOW DROP AND ITS HEART RATE TO INCREASE lower birth weight – on average, about 150 to 200 grams less than normal Increase your baby's risk of developing respiratory (lung) problems Increases risks of birth defects Increases risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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