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Transcript: Causes of hunger What is Hunger? Research The connections I have with hunger are: I Once saw an old lady on the street crying of hunger. I gave her the last five dollars I have in my purse, she took it and she was really grateful. I was glad I gave her that money, cause I felt better afterwards. Also I interviewed my dad, Gabriel Onoh who suffered from hunger during his first years in America. Hunger in America Connection Solutions to hunger Effect of hunger Connection Hunger is the feeling of discomfort or weakness caused by lack of food, coupled with desire to eat. 14.4 percent of United state households struggle to put enough food on the table. More than 48 million Americans—including 16.2 million children– live in these household I am working on Hunger because I have a personal experience with it, and I know that most of you have too. The three major effects of hunger are: sickness, physical and mental problem and short attention span. “Food insecurity and hunger causes wide range detrimental consequences on physical and mental health of people” (feeding America) Childhood hunger causes emotional and behavioral problem, and limits social development. Short attention span is the amount of time a person can concentrate on a task without becoming distarcted. Explanation Name: Linda Onoh Teacher: Ms. O'Connor Course: English. 1st period Date: May 25. 2012 Hunger is caused by Poverty, food wastage and food desert. Poverty is being extremely poor. Many families suffer from Poverty in America. Food wastage is when you waste food instead of preserving it. In America, “ we throw away 96 billion pounds of food”. (Dive) Food desert is district with little or no access of food. There is not just one cause of hunger, which means there is not just one solution. The solutions for hunger are: Making donations Opening more grocery stores around areas that are affected by food desert Being informed about hunger and being involve to end it.


Transcript: Interdependence What is this Interdependence is when two countries rely on each other through their trade because each country has something the other country needs. Pros and cons of interdependence Review Questions Question #1 What does interdependence mean? Interdependence is when two countries rely on each other through trade because each country has something the other country needs. Question #2 What is not an example of interdependence? A non- example of interdependence is a person having food and water and doesn't need anything else and another person needing both but not having anything to give. Question #3 What is an example of interdependence? Someone needing water but having food and another person needing food but having water so they trade with each other for what each other needs thus making this an example of interdependence. Question #4 What are the countries in the example we showed you that use interdependence? Steve and Bob are the countries in the example and they traded lesson plans (education) for water. Question #5 What are some pros of interdependence? Pros of interdependence: Country A and Country B will always have a trading partner. Their will most-likely be no trade barriers beteween Country A and Country B. Also, since both countries have a good trading partner, their economies won't be bad. Question #6 What are some cons of interdependence? If country A runs out of what you need then it would make both of your countries economies crash because country A would lose a very important trading partner and country B would lose a place in which they can get the resources they need. Preguntas? Cons of interdependence: ?

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