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Graves Disease Powerpoint Template

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Graves Disease

Transcript: Graves Disease By Rachel Malloy Eye drops and steroids are used to reduce symptoms people may have to tape eyes shut at night to prevent dry eyes Eyelid surgery City Girl Farm Hand. Sweating Animated Guy. Digital image. Hard Labour Sucks. Web. 25 May 2011. 3)"Graves’ Disease." American Thyroid Association, 2005. Web. 23 May 2011. 5)"Graves’ Disease." NIDDK: National Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Information Service. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health, May 2008. Web. 25 May 2011. Graves3. Digital image. About Cancer. Web. 25 May 2011. 2) "Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease." Johns Hopkins Medicine. Web. 23 May 2011. 4) "Hyperthyroidism (Thyrotoxicosis)." Thyroid Foundation of Canada. Thyroid Foundation of Canada, 21 Apr. 2011. Web. 23 May 2011. Irritability. Digital image. Who Could Love Me. Web. 25 May 2011 Maggie Smith. Digital image. Double Decker Buses. Web. 25 May 2011. Orange Peel 2. Digital image. Green Parenthood. Web. 25 May 2011. Picture of a Normal Sized Thyroid and a Groiter. Digital image. Multiple Sclerosis Connect. Web. 25 May 2011. 1)Staff, Mayo Clinic. "Graves' Disease." Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 7 July 2009. Web. 23 May 2011. Suzi. A Picture of My Neck Immediately after Thyroid Surgery. Digital image. Healthy Living. 2 Dec. 2009. Web. 25 May 2011. When the skin on the feet and shins swells and reddens Caused by a build up of carbohydrates in the skin Skin feels like an"orange peel" Creams and compression wraps are used to treat it Graves' Ophthalmopathy (1, 2, 5) Treatments (1, 2, 3, 4) Eye bulges out because the tissue behind the eyes swells TSI binds to the tissue behind the eye 25% of patients get it more common in smokers • Excess tearing and sensation of grit or sand in either or both eyes • Reddened or inflamed eyes • Widening of the space between your eyelids • Swelling of the lids and tissues around the eyes • Light sensitivity Less common • Ulcers on the cornea • Double vision or blurred vision • Limited eye movements Symptoms (1 ,4) What is Graves Disease? (1,2) General Facts (4, 1, 2) Graves Disease is a form of hyperthyroidism Autoimmune Disease Causes production of autoantibodies called thyroid stimulating immunoglobulins (TSI) The TSI binds to the TSH receptors on follicular cells on the Thyroid gland This increases the production of hormone thyroxine thyroxine causes an increased metabolic rate There is no cure treatments lessen symptoms and decrease thyroxine Thyroid surgery surgery recommended if the thyroid blocks windpipe/ esophagus Antithyroid drugs Radioactive iodine therapy Iodine collects in the thymus to make thyroid hormones Treatments may cause hypothyroidism and patients have to take synthetic thyroid hormones Cause of 90% of hyperthyroidism Graves Disease is thought to be genetic People with family histories are at higher risk More common in females not generally fatal Generally starts before 20 Dangerous in pregnant women 4 million in US • Anxiety • Irritability • Difficulty sleeping • Fatigue • Rapid or irregular heartbeat • A fine tremor of your hands or fingers • Sweating • Sensitivity to heat • Weight loss, despite normal food intake • Brittle hair • Enlargement of your thyroid gland (goiter) • Change in menstrual cycles • Frequent bowel movements Graves' dermopathy (1)

Graves Disease

Transcript: The radioactive iodine is basically a pill that comes down the thyroid , it contains RIA which is formed by iodine that damages the thyroid by giving it radiation . You have three options you can take Medication for the rest of your life , have surgery on your neck , or have a Radioactive iodine. If you take the medication you would have to take 2 medication call Methimazole & Propythiouracil . What is Iodine ? Over 200 million people have a type of Thyroid disease in the whole in tire world , 30% of the people in canda have a thyroid disease . Meaning 10 million people have some sort of thyroid disease , in the states a rough estiamate of 703,555 people have Graves Disease . That is a lot of people, 50% of the people are undiagonsed . - have heart problems - become weaker - have brittle bones - you could die - could have a "Thyroid Storm" you get it from stress or an infection those things trigger a Thyroid Storm. Both men and women get graves disease , it doesn't matter how old you are . You can get Grave's Disease and there is no way you can prevent you from getting it . A common area where most people get this disease is any where from 20 to 30 years old . Most people get grave's disease from a member in your family probably diagnosed with the same thing , maybe just in your genes .. just of what you have developed from your mother & father . Hormones play a big role in in getting graves that's why women get graves disease more than men do , stress also plays a big role in getting diagnosed with graves. People I know who have Graves The Medication keeps the thyroid making too much thyroid hormones Thank you for watching my presentation (': What are the symptoms of Graves Disease Your body begins to speed up for example your heart rate it would be faster than normal , your eye appearance would look different your eyes will come out of the socket and your eye lids would be pulled back . You can't take the heat you'll sweat constantly in the summer , you would be weak most of the day . Sometimes you could have mood swings one time your happy a next your grumpy . You would blink less because where your eye lids are about your eye , your skin will begin to darken some parts of your body would be light then others would be darker . Your feet will start to swell , on your journey of having Graves Disease you would realize a big difference in your life . This is a women that had Graves Disease and just talking about what it is Most people hate it , they do not like how they feel or they're appearance , you could look like a superstar before the disease and as soon as you realize the changes in your body and your special features and you'll going to call your self ugly , and a troll etc . Lots of people with this disease hate it but they fight it , they make they're self beautiful . The Journey of Grave's Disease If you don't treat Grave's Disease what will happen? It is a chemical element of atomic number 53 , it is also a solution of alcohol used as mild antiseptic . How do you treat Graves Disease? What is Grave's Disease? The surgery takes out most of or all your the thyroid in your neck it cures the over active thyroid , but you will need to take a thyroid hormone that replaces the needed thyroid your body needs. How Do People Feel About This Disease? Who Gets Graves Disease ? How many Get Graves Disease each year? I know two people with graves Disease , My mom & Missy Elliot . My mom was diagnosed with this disease a year ago , I think she' beautiful and her personalty is the best . Missy Elliot was diagnosed with Grave's Disease three years , she has claimed she has felt way better ! she ha being taken care of taken her medication , and now she has beaten her insecurity and feels beautiful just like before . Graves disease is autoimmune disease that affects your thyroid,It is a small gland that is in front of your neck , it is in a shape of a butterfly

Graves Disease

Transcript: Graves' Disease autoimmune disorder immune system makes antibodies called thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin that attach to thyroid cells. TSI mimics the action of TSH and stimulates the thyroid to make too much thyroid hormone. Discovery Robert Graves-Irish Physician(19th Century. 1835-linked a pattern between a patient's goiter with other physical manifestations. Cause Not genetic Greater chance if family members have had it. There is no exact cause: some factors might be age, sex, heredity, emotional & enviromental stress factors Implications Thyroid hormones affects: metabolism brain development breathing heart and nervous system functions body temperature muscle strength skin dryness menstrual cycles weight cholesterol levels Short-Term Effect nervousness or irritability fatigue or muscle weakness heat intolerance trouble sleeping hand tremors rapid and irregular heartbeat frequent bowel movements weight loss goiter, may cause neck to look swollen Long-Term Effects Grave's ophthalmopathy- celss attacks muscles and other tissues around the eye. Inflammation and buildup tissue leading to eyeballs to buldge EARLY SYMPTOMS: dry, irritated eyes puffy eyelids double vision light sensitivity pressure or pain in eyes trouble moving eyes Treatments Medication such as Beta Blocker Beta Blocker: relieves symptoms such as hand tremors, raptid heart beat, and nervousness. Antithryroid drugs are only treatment for Grave's Disease. Used to pretreat patients older than 60. Thyroid surgery is least option used. Doctors recommend the enitre thryoid to be remvoed. (often done for pregnatnt women who can not take medications due to side effects. References Graves' Disease. (2008). National institutes of health.. Retrieved March 15, 2011, from All About Graves Disease. (2010). Warts information center. Retrieved March 15, 2011, from Seibel, J. (2010). Understanding Graves' Disease -- the Basics. Web md. Retrieved March 15, 2011, from Quality of life autoimmune disorder immune system makes antibodies called thyroid-stimulating immunoglobulin that attach to thyroid cells TSI mimics action of TSH and stimulates thyroid to make to much thyroid hormone Not deadly Daily Routine: Fatigue muscle weakness. Trouble sleeping at night. May have to take daily medication (Beta Blocker) If have GO: trouble seeing, use of daily eye drops to relieve dry and irritated eys.

Graves Disease

Transcript: Signs and Symptoms II. RadioactiveIdoine Generalized diffuse overactivity ("toxicity") of the entire thyroid gland which becomes enlarged into a goiter. Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. 111.Antithyroid Swelling at the front side of the base of the neck, ranging from a small lump to a general enlargement is a sign of a goiter. If you have hyperthyroidism (an overactive thyroid gland), you may also experience weight loss despite an increased appetite, an increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, nervousness, diarrhea, muscle weakness, and hand tremors. If you have hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid gland), you may also experience lethargy, slowed physical and mental functions, depression, a lower heart rate, an intolerance to cold, constipation, easy weight gain, and tingling or numbness in your hands. Cause of Graves Disease Graves Disease In babies with the inherited form of hypothyroidism, the condition affects growth and cognitive development. It may cause mental retardation, delayed puberty, stunted growth, and ataxia (not able to coordinate muscle movements). In adults, hypothyroidism slows the body's metabolism, and they feel mentally and physically sluggish. Symptoms may be weakness, fatigue, muscle aches, mood swings, hair loss, memory loss, or slow speech. A person's symptoms will depend upon how little thyroid hormone they produce, and for how long they have had the disorder. When the body is deprived of thyroid hormone, the pituitary gland works overtime, producing extra thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH). This glut of TSH may enlarge the thyroid into a condition called a goiter. (cc) image by nuonsolarteam on Flickr Graves' disease is one of the most common of all thyroid problems. It is all the leading cause of hyperthyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid gland produces excessive hormones. Once the disorder has been correctly diagnosed, it is quite easy to treat. In some cases, Graves' disease goes into remission or disappears completely after several months or years. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications even death. Videos Treatments Spark Medication for life 1. Surgery Hypothyroidism Treatments 1st step

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