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Transcript: LATEX AS AN ENDOCRIN DISTRUPTOR ECE ŞEN ONUR FİDAN İREM SAYIN WHAT IS LATEX? WHAT ARE THE SOURCES OF EXPOSURE? INTRODUCTION Latex is a natural substance produced by certain plants. It's a milky fluid found in over 20,000 plant species, but commercially, it's primarily obtained from the rubber tree, scientifically known as Hevea brasiliensis. Latex serves as a protective fluid that flows within the plant's vessels and plays a role in sealing wounds and protecting against pathogens. Sources of Latex: Rubber Trees (Hevea brasiliensis): The primary commercial source of latex. The milky latex is harvested by making incisions in the bark, allowing the fluid to flow and be collected. Other Plants: Besides rubber trees, various other plants produce latex, though their commercial significance is lower. Examples include dandelions, certain figs, and euphorbias. Healthcare and Medical Industry Importance in Various Industries Latex is extensively used in medical devices and equipment, such as gloves, catheters, syringes, and medical tubing due to its elasticity, durability, and barrier properties. However, latex allergy is a concern in healthcare settings. Manufacturing and Industry: Latex is employed in manufacturing various products like balloons, rubber bands, adhesives, and sealants. Its flexibility and resilience make it valuable in these applications. Manufacturing and Industry Consumer Goods: Latex finds its way into everyday items such as mattresses, footwear, sports equipment (like balls and grips), and clothing (elastic waistbands, gloves, etc.). Consumer Goods Automotive Sector: It's used in the production of certain parts like seals, gaskets, and hoses due to its resistance to heat and chemicals. Automotive Sector Construction: Latex-based products like paint, caulks, and sealants are utilized in construction due to their adhesive properties and durability. Construction COMPONENTS OF LATEX Chemicals Present in Latex: Proteins: Latex proteins are a significant component and can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals. These proteins, like Hevein and other enzymes, are known allergens. Lipids and Fatty Acids: These components contribute to the elasticity and flexibility of latex. Carbohydrates: Sugars and starches found in latex play a role in the composition of the material. ENDOCRINE DISTRUPTOR CHEMICALS IN LATEX Phthalates: Some latex products may contain phthalates, chemicals used to soften and increase flexibility. Phthalates have been linked to hormone disruption, particularly affecting reproductive health and development. Bisphenol-A (BPA): While more commonly associated with plastics, BPA might also be present in latex products used in certain manufacturing processes. BPA is known to mimic estrogen and has been connected to hormonal imbalances. Dithiocarbamates: Used in the production of rubber, including latex products, dithiocarbamates have shown potential endocrine-disrupting effects, particularly affecting the thyroid gland. EFFECTS ON HUMAN HEALTH Mechanism of Endocrine Disruption by Latex Chemicals: Mimicking Hormones: Some chemicals found in latex, like phthalates or BPA, have structural similarities to hormones in the body. When these chemicals are absorbed or ingested, they can mimic the actions of hormones like estrogen or thyroid hormones. This mimicry can confuse the body's signaling pathways, leading to dysregulation of hormone function. Blocking Hormone Receptors: Other endocrine-disrupting compounds in latex might interfere with hormone receptors. By binding to these receptors, they can block the normal function of hormones, preventing them from exerting their effects properly. Impact on the Endocrine System: Impact on the Endocrine System: 1. Reproductive Health: Endocrine disruptors in latex have been associated with adverse effects on reproductive health, affecting fertility, fetal development, and reproductive organs. Phthalates, for instance, have been linked to disruptions in male reproductive health by affecting sperm quality and quantity. 2. Developmental Effects: Exposure to endocrine disruptors during critical developmental stages can lead to lasting impacts. BPA, for example, has been linked to developmental abnormalities and behavioral changes in animal studies, raising concerns about its effects on human development. 3. Thyroid Disruption: Certain chemicals found in latex have been implicated in thyroid hormone disruption. Dithiocarbamates, for instance, have shown potential to interfere with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which regulates metabolism and growth. Reproductive Health Effects: 1.Fertility Issues: Exposure to endocrine disruptors in latex has been associated with decreased fertility in both men and women. For instance, phthalates, found in some latex products, have been linked to reduced sperm quality and hormone imbalances in men, potentially affecting fertility. 2.Hormonal Imbalances: Endocrine disruptors can alter hormone levels, General


Transcript: latex WHAT IS LATEX Latex rubber is used in many types of clothing. Rubber has traditionally been used in protective clothing, including gas masks and Wellington boots. Rubber is now generally being replaced in these application by plastics. Mackintoshes have traditionally been made from rubberized cloth. Latex is the stable dispersion of polymer microparticles in an aqueous medium. Latexes may be natural or synthetic. Latex as found in nature is a milky fluid found in 10% of all flowering plants . It is a complex emulsion consisting of proteins, alkaloids, starches, sugars, oils, tannins, resins, and gums that coagulates on exposure to air. It is usually exuded after tissue injury. In most plants, latex is white, but some have yellow, orange, or scarlet latex. Since the 17th century, latex has been used as a term for the fluid substance in plants. It serves mainly as defense against The cells in which latex is found make up the laticiferous system, which can form in two very different ways. In many plants, the laticiferous system is formed from rows of cells laid down in the meristem of the stem or root. The cell walls between these cells are dissolved so that continuous tubes, called latex vessels, are formed. Since these vessels are made of many cells, they are known as articulated laticifers. This method of formation is found in the poppy family, in the rubber trees , and in the Cichorieae, a clade in the Family Asteraceae distinguished by the presence of latex in its members. It is also present in another member of the Asteraceae, the guayule plant. latex products and uses : THRE ARE MANY PRODUCTS MADE FROM LATEX HERE ARE A FEW Latex clothing GLOVES CONDOMS The latex of many species can be processed to produce many materials. Natural rubber is the most important product obtained from latex; more than 12,000 plant species yield latex containing rubber, though in the vast majority of those species the rubber is not suitable for commercial use.[ reasons why latex is is used


Transcript: Latex Images LaTeX cannot manage pictures directly: in order to introduce graphics within documents, LaTeX just creates a box with the same size as the image you want to include and embeds the picture, without any other processing. This means you will have to take care that the images you want to include are in the right format to be included. This is not such a hard task because LaTeX supports the most common picture formats around. How do I display images in LaTeX ? eps There are many ways of displaying images in LaTeX, but the use of eps images (Encapsulated PostScript) seems to be the safest option. You need to convert your images to eps-format using a imaging program, e.g. Photoshop. It is a bad idea to save a thumbnail/preview with the image, because it will get you into trouble when you import the image in LaTeX, so select "Exclude Non-Image Data"/"No thumbnail" when you save the image as eps. height=1cm, width=3in, angle=90 and scale=0.5. epsfig he \epsfig method in the epsfig package is good and easy. width=xx Specify the preferred width of the imported image to xx. NB. Only specifying either width or height will scale the image whilst maintaining the aspect ratio. height=xx Specify the preferred height of the imported image to xx. keepaspectratio This can be set to either true or false. When true, it will scale the image according to both height and width, but will not distort the image, so that neither width nor height are exceeded. scale=xx Scales the image by the desired scale factor. e.g, 0.5 to reduce by half, or 2 to double. angle=xx This option can rotate the image by xx degrees (anti-clockwise) trim=l b r t This option will crop the imported image by l from the left, b from the bottom, r from the right, and t from the top. Where l, b, r and t are lengths. clip For the trim option to work, you must set clip=true. page=x If the image file is a pdf file with multiple pages, this parameter allows you to use a different page than the first. figures To create a figure that floats, use the figure environment. \begin{figure}[placement specifier] ... figure contents ... \end{figure} The placement specifier parameter exists as a compromise, and its purpose is to give the author a greater degree of control over where certain floats are placed. Specifier Permission h Place the float here, i.e., approximately at the same point it occurs in the source text (however, not exactly at the spot) t Position at the top of the page. b Position at the bottom of the page. p Put on a special page for floats only. ! Override internal parameters Latex uses for determining "good" float positions. H Places the float at precisely the location in the LaTeX code. Requires the float package,[1] e.g., \usepackage{float}. This is somewhat equivalent to h!. Captions It is always good practice to add a caption to any figure or table. All you need to do is use the \caption{text} command within the float environment. Because of how LaTeX deals sensibly with logical structure, it will automatically keep track of the numbering of figures, so you do not need to include this within the caption text. The location of the caption is traditionally underneath the float. However, it is up to you to therefore insert the caption command after the actual contents of the float (but still within the environment). If you place it before, then the caption will appear above the float. Try out the following example to demonstrate this effect: \documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article} \usepackage[english]{babel} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure}[h!] \caption{A picture of a gull.} \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{gull} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \reflectbox{% \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{gull}} \caption{A picture of the same gull looking the other way!} \end{figure} \begin{table}[h!] \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{| l c r |} \hline 1 & 2 & 3 \\ 4 & 5 & 6 \\ 7 & 8 & 9 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{center} \caption{A simple table} \end{table} Notice how the tables and figures have independent counters. \end{document} Wrapping Wrapping figures in LaTex will require a lot of manual adjustment of your document. There are several packages available for the task, but none of them work perfectly. Before you make the choice of including figures with text wrapping in your document, make sure you have considered all the options. For example, you could use a layout with two columns for your documents and have no text-wrapping at all. Alignment can normally be either l for left, or r for right. Lowercase l or r forces the figure to start precisely where specified (and may cause it to run over page breaks), while capital L or R allows the figure to float. If you defined your document as twosided, the alignment can also be i for inside or o for outside, as well as I or O. The width is, of course, the width of the figure. \begin{wrapfigure}{r}{0.5\textwidth} \begin{center}

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