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One Million Cups Presentation Template

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1 million cups presentation 1.27.2016

Transcript: Go West Camps Andrew VanDerWege Owner/Director 719-357-8872 "A picture is worth a thousand words" 719-357-8872 Kids Have a blast! "My kids definitely gained more confidence in themselves and additional life skills they cannot gain in a school classroom environment. Discussing what issues they encountered with other kids and how they dealt with them were daily conversations at the dinner table. Pride of achievement was another benefit. One of my kids was so proud of what she did at the garden that she really wanted me to see what she planted." What our alumni are saying about camp ..... Traditional Summer Day Camp and Teen Adventure Programs for kids ages 5-14 INITIATIVE & SELF-DIRECTION Setting out on a bike ride is much more than just getting from point A to point B. At Go West, trip planning and taking advantage of opportunities for exploration are camper driven. Along the way we learn how to make choices, navigate our own adventures, and overcome bumps in the road. PRODUCTIVITY & ACCOUNTABILITY Who will help me plant the seed? Who will help me water the sprout? Who will help me taste the garden treats? We all will. Working the community garden shows campers the importance of contributing to their community and the rewards that are produced when they follow through on their commitments. LEADERSHIP & RESPONSIBILITY It’s all for one and one for all. As the Leader of the Day, campers at Go West get the chance to develop strategies for leading their group. Whether it’s on a hike or during group games, they discover for themselves the ability to develop camaraderie, to have positive communication, and a sense of responsibility to the group. COMMUNICATION & COLLABORATION Some call it the ground rules, a pact, or an agreement. We call it the Code of Living and it’s the keystone of camp life at Go West. Each group of campers is unique, and campers work to design their unique Code of Living that defines the values that are important to them, as they communicate, live and play together. At camp we may rock climb for the first time, reach the peak on a hike or create a work of art, but most important is how a camper contributes to the group and connects to fellow campers. Some of our most memorable moments will be when the session comes to a close and we have the opportunity to recognize campers who have exemplified The Code. Activities, Schedule, Staff are a means to the end..... A Go West summer camp experience is more important for a child than a degree from an Ivy League University. Parents Frequently Asked Questions 21st century learning environments and opportunities are essential to prepare all youth for the challenges of work, life, and citizenship in the 21st century and beyond, as well as ensure ongoing innovation in our economy and the health of our democracy. Activities Hike, Bike, Rock Climbing, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Fine Arts, Arts and Crafts, Nature (Wildlife, Geology, Flora/Fauna), Archery, Cooking, Gardening, Swimming, Teambuilding, Songs/Music, Fishing, Makers Space, Volunteering/Stewardship We build 21st Century Skills! Session Length and Schedule Our Core Values 3 week camp session Camp day 9am-4pm Pre and post camp 8am to 5pm KIDS ON THE GO Camp Staff 1 to 6 staff to camper ratio Staff 18 or older (have completed 1 year of college) Go Wests Leadership Andrew and Arianne VanDerWege - Family Owned and Directed SENSE OF PLACE AND SERVICE TO COMMUNITY Being part of a supportive and encouraging community of kids and adults provides a sense of belonging and responsibility to serve as a good citizen. MOVEMENT AND INDEPENDENCE Getting moving and using human powered transportation keeps us healthy. Learning to navigate our neighborhood by foot and bike allows kids a sense of independence and familiarizes them with their neighborhood and community. CONNECTION TO THE EARTH AND HEALTHY FOOD Maintaining a food garden and learning healthy gardening practices gives kids a sense of accomplishment, helps them make nutritious food choices and inspires an interest in working toward a healthy earth. EXPLORATION AND INNOVATION Taking part in activities that foster collaboration and inspire their imagination encourages kids to think like innovators, solve problems and embrace their creativity. From setting a bike route and caring for a garden, to working through a team building initiative, kids gain the perseverance and work ethic that will make them successful in their community and their future. David VanDerWege - Combined 50 years working as Youth Development Professionals

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