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Presentation About My Life Background

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About my cutural background

Transcript: About my cultural background Melanie Tocora Colombia flag is yellow,blue and red. Everyone there is so friendly and proud. Colombian people are obsessed with coffee. Colombia is a very celebratory country. Colombia is also a very welcoming country My Country My Country Fun Facts The yellow means the gold and riches,blue is our rivers and lakes and red is the blood our soldiers poured Colombia has an international coffee park. Colombia is very artistic and creative. Fun Facts Images Images In Colombia we speak spanish. Every one there except for tourist speak clear or understandable spanish. Spanish is the native language. Spanish is an easy language to learn if you put your mind to it. Language Language Images Images Colombia dances many types but a traditional dance is the cumbia ,but Colombia dances the salsa. The slsa is a quick and clean dance it is usually danced in partner. The cumbia is a fun playful dance it is also in partner work. The dance The dance Did you know the salsa is from Puerto Rico but Colombia bettered it. The cumbia is danced in big flow skirts for extra value With the salsa you are having much fun no matter how bad your dance skills are Fun Facts Fun Facts Images Images In Colombia people listen mostly to Salsa and Cumbia, but know more young people listen to regeton. Cumbia is a upbeat and fun to dance to. Salsa is also upbeat but also fast and a specific rhythm. Regeton is like the Latin hip hop it can be slow fast but is usually about love. The music The music Fun Facts Images Some regeton singers from colombia are Karol G, Shakira and Maluma. A very famous colombian salsa band is El Grupo Niche,. A famous cumbia singer is Andres Cabas. Fun Facts Images Colombia produces many fruits but it's top two are the Cherimoya and the Granadilla. The cherimoya looks like a beat up apple but taste like mango, strawberries, and bananas The granadilla is like passion fruit but much sweater and less acid. the traditional fruits the traditional fruit Fun Facts Images the cherimoya's seeds are poisonous if crushed. If you eat granadilla it helps with reducing anxiety. The cherimoya helps people with diabetes recover the granadilla helps you loose wait and also helps you sleep Fun Facts Cherimoya Images Granadilla

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