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Psychotherapy Case Presentation Template

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Transcript: Psychotherapy Definition Psychotherapy is the treatment of mental disorder by any various means, involving communication between a trained person and the patient, including counseling, group therapy and behavioral therapy. Salary The 2010 median pay, for a psychotherapist, is $68,640 per year or $33 per hour. On-the-Job Training Before you become a psychotherapists you might want some on-the-job training, like an intership or residency. Employment Change The employment change from 2010-2020 is guessed to be 37,700 people. Job Outlook The job outlook for 2010-2020 is estimated to be 22%. 22% is faster than average. The average is 14%. Education In High School, if your school offers psychology or therapy courses it is a great way to learn about the job. This course will help you decide if this is the career path you would like to take. In College you will need to get a basic Psychology Degree, at first. Then, you will need to get a Masters Degree in Psychotherapy. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Chicago and Argosy University are both schools that educate people wanting to become psychotherapists. The Chicago School of Professional Psychology at Chicago Total estimated cost per semester at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology is $24,935.00. On an average day a psychotherapist may have 1 or 2 patients. The patient would come to their office, rarely the psychotherapist would go to the house. The psychotherapist would then begin the session. The session could last as long as need, for the patients needs. If it is a new patient, the psychotherapist would then introduce themselve and explain the process of psychotherapy. During the session the psychotherapist would ask various questions like, any problems the patient has been having or how they are feeling. After the sesion. The psychotherapist would walk them out and scheduele another appointment, if needed. The psychotherapist would then write down a few likes about the patients behavior and responses to the questions.

Systemic Psychotherapy Case QUB

Transcript: Programme Manager Youth Co ordinator Early Years Co Ordinator Family Subsystems Danny Edward Structural Approach D E External Agencies Jones Family Lynne Danny Case Presentation Michael Cl. Psych Danny Neill N (13) About Me Wendy Techniques Edward BBMS Pastoral Team Minuchin, Salvador. (1971). Families and family therapy. Harvard University Printing Press. Minuchin, Salvador. (1984). Family therapy techniques. Harvard University Printing Press. Sysemtic Interventions (Power Point) Family Systems Therapy (Power Point) by James J. Messina, Ph.D. Gurman, A. S. & Kniskern, D. P. (1981). Handbook of Family Therapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel Publishers. Umbarger, C.C. (1983). Structural Family Therapy. New York: Grune & Stratton, Inc. Danny- Disengagement-rigid-little commitment. Works long hours Lynne and Neill -Enmeshment-diffuse-very involved as one-fosters dependency on the other Setting Boundaries- Emotional/physical barriers that define amount and kind of contact allowable between members "Clear healthy boundaries-attain sense of personal identity yet allow sense of belongingness within family system" Family member play a different role in each of the subsystems they belong Structural difficulty when one subsystem takes over or intrude another Pastoral VP SENCO Heads of Year Year Counselors Neill Structural Techniques I currently work for ISCYP as a Behaviour Mentor Placed in BBMS Two Multi Disciplinary Teams Lynne ISCYP Team Crisis referral for Neil Jones referred aged 13 Major conflict with member of staff Family-School relationship fractured Repeated suspensions in this current year Started to school refuse Undergoing assessment for ADHD with CAHMS Referral Information & Background Joining Making Rules/Relationships Boundary-making Reframing/Relabeling L Wendy Education Psychology CAHMS Social Service Behaviour Mentor Enmeshed Understanding the Problem Boundaries Lynne The therapist determines the issues around which to explore and intervene in the session. "Joining the family in a position of leadership entering their reality and becoming part of that family’s patterns of relating/structure" The Jones Family Wendy References Structural Map W (4) Genogram Neill Ecomap

Psychotherapy Case Presentationj

Transcript: The Case of "The Fraud" Basic Info How things started A - 50 D - None D - MI (s/p CABGx5 2015), DMII, OSA, Gilbert's Syndrome, TBI w/ LOC at 12, Obesity (BMI 43), Hypothyroidism R - Reformed Christian E - Caucasian S - Heterosexual S - Middle Class I - Not indigenous N - USA G - Cisgender male The First Visit "I have a lot of self-doubt and fear of being left out. I don't like being me" Chronic depression Poor ADLs Sarcastic humor directed toward himself New York City "...feel like I'm a part of something." Celexa x 10 years (no benefit) PDD: Depression + ADHD + EtOH ADHD: Confirmed via PCC testing "Capable of better work." Forgetful, missing deadlines Losing hours every day looking at his phone Impulsive buying "all the shiny things." Adderall XR stopped in 2015 because of MI EtOH: Remote h/o problematic drinking (18-27) Chugging fifths of liquor "just to get blackout drunk." Stopped after being dx'd with Gilbert's Syndrome, wanted to protect his liver Last taste of EtOH in 2015 Background Social History B/R in Michgan, moved to Zeeland in 1st grade One sister 3 years younger than him Ruthless bullying at school, but accepted by neighborhood kids "I felt like the only red-headed freckled kid in West Michigan." Dad was cold and distant, never felt accepted. "I forced him to play catch with me one time when I was 16." HS: "I suddenly realized what it took to get popular, so I changed myself." Played football for local college, immediately accepted into football family "I reinvented myself in college, assimilating just to be liked." Organized all the parties on campus, "so nobody could ever leave me out." Double major (Marketing + Psychology) Semi-pro football, career ending injury Spent 2-3 years comitting retail fraud Worked local newspaper as journalist, "never be the highest paid journalist at a newspaper company." "I'm a fraud." Negatives = my true self Positives = "just a fluke" Work + family Defenses: Humor Intellectualization Core Issues "Can we do therapy?" Timeline Timeline 2017 Where to start? CBT? Psychodynamic? Existential? Attachment? Chart Chart Label 1 Label 2 Label 3 Label 4 Topic 2 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 6


Transcript: Psychotherapy Aims Whatever is said or done is confidential Occupational Therapy In the United Kingdom, psychotherapy is voluntarily regulated. National registers for psychotherapiss and councellors are maintained by thee main umbrella bodies... They require ...or drama To increase the individual's sense of his/her own well being. Although most therapists dont practise in the same way he did Psychotherapists employ a range of techniques based on experimantal relationship building, dialogue, communication and behaivour change that are designed to improve the mental health of a patient Psychiatry What happens during psychotherapy? To try to bring repressed feelings into concious awareness where the patient can deal with them Psychotherapy might be more helpful for psychological problems that have built up over years than at a time of crisis or distress. Given the variety of opinion on this subject, there's bound to be someone who reads this and disagrees, and they'll probably have a view worth listening to. the British Association for Councelling and Psychotherapy (BACP) Normally individual therapy... however group therapy is sometimes best for certain problems artwork Starting in the 1950's, Carl Rogers bought person centred psychotherapy into mainstream focus. some also use various other forms of communiction such as... Psychotherapy or councelling? What's the difference? the British Psychoanalytic Council (BPC) Graduate experience Art Therapy During the therapy, the patient is called an analysand Psychotherapy may be performed by practitioners with a number of different qualifications Derived specifically from Freud's ideas Forms Supervised clinical experience The underlying principle is that psychotherapy is no magic therapy; rather the capacity for cure lies within each person The United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) narrative HOWEVER music Councelling is seen as a system intended to 'help people improve their sense of wellbeing, alleviate their distress, resolve their crises and increase their ability to solve problems and make decisions for themselves'. This suggests it works best with people who already have a sense of wellbeing and are able to solve problems and make decisions but need a helping hand during a crisis. the written word Psychoanalysis Most forms of psychotherapy use spoken conversation. Sessions take place at the time and place, usually every week or fortnight


Transcript: Education? Employment? The demand for psychotherapy continues to increase because people are living longer and because mental health problems are being more readily diagnosed. Job opportunities will be most plentiful for applicants who hold a Ph.D. in psychotherapy from a top college program in the field. During psychotherapy, you learn about your condition and your moods, feelings, thoughts and behaviors. Psychotherapy helps you learn how to take control of your life and respond to challenging situations with healthy coping skills. Most psychotherapists are not physicians. Every state requires that aspiring psychotherapists get a masters degree in clinical psychology, counseling, or social work. preferably with an emphasis on psychotherapy. Psychotherapy is a general term for treating mental health problems by talking with a psychiatrist, psychologist or other mental health provider. Duties as a psychotherapist? Some states require a Ph.D. in the field. Master's and doctoral degree programs require students to complete two years of supervised clinical practice. Psychotherapy They treat patients with a variety of mental and emotional conditions, including stress, bipolar syndrome, depression and obsessions There are specific types of psychotherapy, all with a different approach. Websites I used: Psychotherapists can work as licensed professional counselors, marriage and family counselors or clinical social workers. During sessions lasting 30-60 minutes, psychotherapists examine patients' dreams, fantasies, behaviors and thoughts. A psychotherapist may specialize in one or more types of psychotherapy, including humanistic constructivist, cognitive, humanistic integrative, hypno-psychotherapy and psychoanalysis. The median annual salary of psychotherapists was about 54,700 in 2013.

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