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Quiz Game Powerpoint Template

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Game Quiz

Transcript: unit 16 - 2d computer games engines unit 2 - Communication techniques unit 13 - 2d digital art unit 14 - deconstructing games Where you are now? unit 2 - communication techniques learning outcomes 1 - communicate about media production in discussions 2 - present information and ideas orally to an audience 3 - communicate information/ideas in written formats unit 14 - deconstructing games learning outcomes 1 - know about computer game platforms 2 - know about computer game components 3 - deconstruct a computer game _______________________________ What makes a good game stand out for you? In your groups, present a made up game concept: - give it a title and genre - choose up to four things to discuss (characters, story, gameplay, audience etc) - until break, so teams must work together quickly - group presents together after break - all about communication!!! - you can show drawings as well QUIZ TIME 1) Name as many games as you can from the video? 2) Name the game that has a blue character collecting rings What console is this game played on? 3) Deconstruct the football game... What stands out about this game? 4) What is an RPG? How many can you identify from the clip? 5) What are the common things in an RPG? 6) Which games have an 18 rating and why? 7) Which game is being played on an N64? How is this game different to the originals of the same game? 8) What is multi-platform? Identify which game is multi-platform? 9) Which games are non-linear i.e. allow you to explore freely 10) Name the game in which a character tries to destroy another character on a flying machine? Explain what both characters are trying to do? 1) Name all the games... Supermario 64 Sonic the Hedgehog Legend of Zelda Grand Theft Auto IV White Knight Chronicles Call of Duty: Black Ops Fifa 11 Final Fantasy VII 2) Sonic the Hedgehog Sega Megadrive/Genesis 3) HD Be a Pro Mutliplayer Online Mutliplayer Realistic players Good Graphics Be a Goalkeeper Virtual Pro Big and little teams Anymore? 4) RPG = Role Playing Game White Knight Chronicles Final Fantasy VII Legend of Zelda 5) Use of text Puzzles Maps Free roam Lots of characters Battles Stats improve Anymore? 6) GTA IV and Black Ops Killing/Shooting people, Blood, Foul language, Inappropriate scenes, Explosions 7) Super Mario 64 3D Voices Free roam Full colour Cutscenes/Videos Anymore? 8) Fifa 11 Xbox 360 PS3, PS2 Wii, DS PC 9) Final Fantasy VII GTA IV COD: Black Ops White Knight Chronicles 10) Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic is trying to save the world Sonic is saving the animals Dr Eggman is trying to stop Sonic from saving the animals Sonic is the hero Dr Eggman is the villain Any more? Who won? ____________ break into three groups PAY ATTENTION! ___________________ 7) cvvcvcvc ___________________________

quiz game

Transcript: TOPIC QUIZ GAME BY 210071601132 &210071601133 OBJ. OBJECTIVE TO SPREAD GENERAL KNOWLADGE TO USERS IN A FUN MANNER WHEN THEY WISH TO TIME PASS. CODE TKINTER: IT IS A MODULE IN PYTHON.IT IS USED AND THE MOST BASIC GUI FRAMEWORK IS USED I PYTHON PROGRAMMING.TKINTER PROVIDES A POWERFUL OBJECT ORIENTED INTERFACE TO THE TK GUI TOOLKIT. IMPLEMENTATION CODE IMPLEMENTATION: IN THIS WAY WE HAVE TO IMPORT THESE MODULES from tkinter import * from tkinter import font we can add the mcq options through: def start_again(): global Score,Question_no Score = 0 Question_no = 1 next_b.config(text="next") val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option2.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][1]) option3.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][2]) play_again.place_forget() score_output.place_forget() root.pack() FUNCTIONS HERE WE DEFINE DIFFERENT FUNCTIONS: def start_again(): Short description here def next(): def Check(Option): Short description here Short description here SOURCE CODE SOURCE CODE from tkinter import * from tkinter import font def start_again(): global Score,Question_no Score = 0 Question_no = 1 next_b.config(text="Next") val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) question.configure(background="purple") option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option1.configure(background="purple") option2.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][1]) option2.configure(background="purple") option3.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][2]) option3.configure(background="purple") play_again.place_forget() score_output.place_forget() root.pack() def next(): global Score,Question_no if(val1.get()): selected_option = 1 elif(val2.get()): selected_option = 2 elif(val3.get()): selected_option = 3 else: selected_option = -1 if(Answers[Question_no-1] == selected_option): Score += 1 if(Question_no == Total_No_Questions-1): next_b.config(text="Submit") Question_no = Question_no + 1 if(Question_no > Total_No_Questions): root.pack_forget(),rely=.45) = .45) score_output.config(text = "Score: " +str(Score)) else: val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) question.configure(background="purple") option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option1.configure(background="purple") if(Question_no > Total_No_Questions): root.pack_forget(),rely=.45) = .45) score_output.config(text = "Score: " +str(Score)) else: val1.set(0) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) question.config(text=Questions[Question_no-1]) question.configure(background="purple") option1.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][0]) option1.configure(background="purple") option2.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][1]) option2.configure(background="purple") option3.config(text=Options[Question_no-1][2]) option3.configure(background="purple") def Check(Option): if(Option == 1): # val1.set(1) val2.set(0) val3.set(0) elif(Option == 2): val1.set(0) # val2.set(1) val3.set(0) elif(Option == 3): val1.set(0) val2.set(0) # val3.set(1) Questions = ["What country has won the most World Cups?" , "In 2010, which one of these teams was not in the semifinals?" , "What’s the host country for the 2022 World Cup?"] Options = [["Argentina","Germany", "Brazil"], ["Spain","England", "Uruguay"], ["K.S.A","U.A.E", "Qatar"]] Answers = [3 , 2 , 3] Score = 0 Total_No_Questions = 3 Question_no = 1 Win= Tk() Win.title("Quiz Game") root = Frame(Win) root.pack() root.configure(background="purple") question = Label(root,width = 60,font=(10),text=Questions[0]) question.pack(fill=X) val1 = IntVar() val2 = IntVar() val3 = IntVar() option1 = Checkbutton(root,variable=val1,text=Options[0][0],command=lambda:Check(1)) option1.pack() option2 = Checkbutton(root,variable=val2,text=Options[0][1],command=lambda:Check(2)) option2.pack() option3 = Checkbutton(root,variable=val3,text=Options[0][2],command=lambda:Check(3)) option3.pack() next_b = Button(root , text = "Next",command=next) next_b.pack() score_output = Label(Win,font=(50)) score_output.place_forget() play_again = Button(Win,text= "Play Again",command=start_again) play_again.place_forget() Win.configure(background="black") Win.mainloop() OUTPUT THIS IS THE OUTPUT OF THE CODE.WE CAN SEE A QUIZ HAS APPEARED WHICH CONTAINS THREE OPTIONS AND ON SELECTING THE CORRECT OPTIONS YOUR SCORE WILL BE SHOWN. OUTPUT

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