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Meme Presentation

Transcript: Accessibility Meme Re-Design Hyla Gwartz & Elizabeth Isbister Meme Intro Why this Picture? Left us wondering: What does wheelchair accessible mean? Where is this entrance and why isn't it labeled on the sign? How are they expecting people to get inside to ask for assistance? It is a real picture of a real poster at a real store. Social Model of Disability Denying access and engagement for those with physical ailments to all areas of society Power and privilege of the able-bodies individuals Failure to adequately address the issues Demonstrates the inequalities in our society through ongoing battle for access and against stigma Critical theory Ableism Ableism Ongoing discrimination of those who are labeled as disabled Perpetuated by the cultural norms The norm to meet the accessibility requirements Meeting the capitalistic requirement Businesses need put aside their abliest views and forgo capitalistic requirements Access Business is fundamentally impairing those with physical disability through only achieving partial access Results are disempowering Meeting minimums of legislation Must consolidate the partial victories before they cause more harm Access/Social model Stigma Negative set of beliefs about an individuals characteristics Resulting in being marginalized and devalued Constantly objectified as a one-dimensional problem Both physical and institutional barriers Need to instead promote individuality and independence Stigma Re-Design Re-Design The redesign continues to acknowledge and meet the requirements for accommodation Prompts individuality and independence without physical, institutional barriers Helps deconstruct the abliest view and stigma around physical disability References Cameron, C. (2014a). The social model. In C. Cameron (Ed.), Disability studies: A student's guide (pp. 137-140). SAGE Publications Ltd, https:/ Cameron, C. (2014b). Stereotypes. In C. Cameron (Ed.), Disability studies: A student's guide (pp. 144-146). SAGE Publications Ltd, https:/ Cameron, C. (2014c). Stigma. In C. Cameron (Ed.), Disability studies: A student's guide (pp. 147-149). SAGE Publications Ltd, Goodley, D. (2014) Dis/ability Studies: Theorising Disablism and Ableism. Routledge. Heaton, T. (2014). Access. In C. Cameron (Ed.), Disability studies: A student's guide (pp. 1-3). SAGE Publications Ltd, References

Meme Presentation

Transcript: By: Cameron P. Meme Presentation Memes have emerged as one of the main methods of communications in the real world and on the internet. Whether they’re being shared by your favorite celebrities, your friends, or your family, memes have been a very popular thing throughout the 21st century. It became so popular that anything nowadays can become a meme—even people, and if you’re really lucky, becoming a meme can turn you into a celebrity. Memes Memes Back then, memes were just weird pictures that you would find online made to entertain you and others. Now, we find memes all over social media almost every minute. What are memes? What are memes? Usually, people on the internet can take something as random as the children’s show Arthur and turn clips and images from it into memes, or mock the entire concept of people having and using Airpods. How can a meme be made? How can a meme be made? The real question is, what can’t become a meme? According to an analysis by Smithsonian Magazine, memes can be anything as monumental as a belief in God to catch phrases or idioms to a type of music or song. The generally understood definition of a meme today is anything that’s a joke on the internet, usually wrapped in a layer of sarcasm or irony. Memes can be image, video, or text based, and can be reproduced, republished, or reinterpreted by others, leading to an entirely different message. What can become a meme? What can become a meme? Richard Dawkins first created the term “meme” in 1976, in his book, The Selfish Gene. In this first iteration, the idea was that ideas and thoughts were as self-replicating and adapting as the genes found within all forms as DNA. This adds up, given the way memes today are re-imagined and reformatted. Who invented memes? Who invented memes? Once upon a time, memes were an obscure form of early internet humor, finding early homes in various forums and sites like 4chan. With limited content creation tools, early memes revolved around singular pictures and concepts: "I Can Has Cheezburger?" cats is an example of the early memes. What were the first memes? What were the first memes? What followed were top text/bottom text memes, featuring a picture either on a colored pinwheel background or a humorous photo with a single sentence, two-step punchline: Philosoraptor would ask life’s meaningless questions. Top Text/Bottom Text Top Text/Bottom Text In 2007, memes took on a new lifeform: videos. Looking outside of picture-based memes, the concept of Rick Rolling became a recognized phenom, and was one of the first video-based instances of humor being passed around the internet. All of these early memes found their home on 4chan and then started to filter out onto Tumblr, where they began to reach almost-mainstream status. Video Videos Gallery of Memes Gallery of Memes Meme Research - Meme images - (Channel Name: Scoop) and Google Images. Rick Roll Video (Never Gonna Give You Up) - Websites I used Websites

Meme Presentation

Transcript: Meme Presentation JeanPaul Figueroa What is a meme? What is a meme an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by non-genetic means, especially imitation. a humorous image, video, piece of text, etc., that is copied (often with slight variations) and spread rapidly by internet users. Examples Co. D Examples Co. D What is Twitter? Twitter is an American microblogging and social networking service on which users post and interact with messages known as "tweets". Registered users can post, like, and retweet tweets, but unregistered users can only read those that are publicly available. Twitter Tweets Tweets were originally restricted to 140 characters but on November 7, 2017, this limit was doubled for all languages. The service rapidly gained worldwide popularity. In 2012, more than 100 million users posted 340 million tweets a day, and the service handled an average of 1.6 billion search queries per day. In 2013, it was one of the ten most-visited websites and has been described as "the SMS of the Internet" Tweets Trend & Hashtags Trend a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media websites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify digital content on a specific topic. A trend on Twitter refers to a hashtag-driven topic that is immediately popular at a particular time. ... If you're interested in seeing trends that are not within your network, you can check the Twitter home page, the discover feature or do an active search on the web. The Meme The Meme Where was it found? Origin Analysis Replies Replies Replies Replies

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