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Thomas Jefferson University Hospital

Transcript: WHY? Pancreatic Cancer Pancreatic cancer begins in the tissues of your pancreas (an organ in your abdomen that lies horizontally behind the lower part of your stomach). Your pancreas produces enzymes that help with digestion and hormones that help regulate the metabolism of sugars. Sources: We chose the Thomas Jefferson University hospital because this is where many pancreatic cancer patients turn to for help. Thomas Jefferson University Hospital By: Olivia, Sydney, Caroline, Katie J, and Isabel S. Why should we help? Since so many people get diognosed every year, and that rate is increasing, you or someone you know will most likely be greatly impacted by this in some way It needs more attention and support to help research Pancreatic Cancer cont. Little is known about the risk factors, and there are NO EARLY DETECTION METHODS. Treatments are extremely LIMITED, only 3 drugs have been approved for treating adenocarcinoma (the more common form of the cancer). C.A.T.C.H. About 45,000 U.S. people will be diagnosed each year What is Panceratic cancer? In 40 years, 5-year relative survival for pancreatic cancer has moved from 2% to only 6%. It was estimated that in 2014, 46,420 Americans would be diagnosed and about 39,590 would die. 73% of the patients would die within the 1st year of diagnosis. Pancreatic cancer is projected to become the 2nd leading cause of cancer death by 2020. "Pancreas tissue is very difficult to obtain for reasearch because it is located deep within the abdomn. Because of the aggresive nature of the disease and late diagnosis, patients often die quickly or are too sick to participate in clinical trials." Federal government only allocated $73.3 million in 2007 to fund research on pancreatic cancer. Over $2.9 billion was allocated in federal research dollars alone for AIDS which only afflicts 40,000 new U.S. residents each year. Pancreatic Cancer cont. Pancreatic Cancer cont.

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