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Uni Freiburg Presentation Template

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Presentation Freiburg

Transcript: 1. Explore / investigate Zurich through their (artistic) practices, in order to question urban givenness and experiment with how we can re-imagine urban space. 2. Work with the archive in terms of contributing to it, interpreting it, working with its content etc. - question "invisible urban givenness" and open up for spatial variety how we can re-imagine the urban - enable us to negotiate invisibilities - critical exploration through imaginative means 2. = a social-artistic urban laboratory Space as an exteriority / backdrop which power or resistance are constituted against space as a backdrop for human behaviour space as a static & closed entity within an artistic framework SPATIAL VARIETY space as empirical, objective & mappable POWER - art controlling rather than questioning what should be visible, hearable and sayable 1. & DISCUSSION HISTORICALLY What if anything could be something else, still consisting of the same parts? - participants active as interpreters creating their own stories "Conquer, manage, play" SUM UP Art practice and urban space: - being realized on and from within urban space STADT "If it were me" RESISTANCE Art as a mode of critical exploration GAST- STADTFORSCHUNG URBAN SPACE - Zurich consists of endless different realities and imaginations and art may help making these visible "This is not a car" - collective processes and co-production ARTISTIC PRACTICE What if strangers would meet and talk? NEGOTIATING - experimenting with urban knowledge production space as neutral container filled with human activity & POLITICS 3. -urban space as defined by radical openness and multiple outcomes rather than one fixed urban reality What if one reality of the city lies in its mirror-image? - art as effect or reaction to urban space - creation, not consumption of space (IN)VISIBILITIES NOW by Cecilie Sachs Olsen - art expected to provide solutions to urban problems "The forgotten vegetables" that experiments with - resistant to any prescribed outcomes WERK ARCHIV - cities are imaginary as well as real spaces LIMITED SPATIAL IMAGINARY 1. Branding strategies & public spectacles S Q U E T I O N S VS. ANSWERS "Politics revolves around what is seen and what can be said about it, around who has the possibility to see and the talent to speak, around the properties of spaces and the possibilities of time." Jacques Rancière "the distribution of the sensible" = underlying structures deciding what is visible, sayable and hearable processes vs. products Re-thinking/imagining our city by helping people to shape an idea of how they want to live together and what they want their city to be like. Art work becoming a monument against forgetting. 2. "Artivism" collective co-existence creative and imaginative processes posing alternatives to the collective co-existence in our cities through creative and imaginative processes space as a process, never finished/closed space as a sphere of co-existing heterogeneity space as a product of interrelations, constituted through interactions

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