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Waterfall Presentation Background

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SDLC Waterfall Presentation

Transcript: Once the functional and non functional testing is complete, the product is released to the market. Requirements Spec identifying what a piece of software or item to be developed must have, including all it’s possible requirements. Feasibility Study Implementation The requirement for specifications from the first phase are prepared and used to design the system architecture. SDLC Waterfall Model T - Technical E - Economical L - Legal O - Operational S - Scheduling System Design All units developed in the previous stage are implemented into the full system and then that is tested separately. Maintenence . an evaluation and analysis of the potential of the proposed project which is based on extensive investigation and research to support the process of decision making Developent Of System Intergration and Testing System design helps produce several small programs called units which are integrated in the next phase. Each is tested for it’s functionality– this is called unit testing There are often some issues which become apparent following the release of the product, these are parched later on often over the internet. This stage also allows the developers to enhance the user experience. Cons No working software produced, until late in the life cycle. Lot’s of risks Poor model for longer projects. Difficult to measure progress within stages Integration done at the very end, doesn’t allow technological or business bottleneck early. Pros Phases are processed/completed at the same time Processes and results are well documented Easy to arrange tasks Works well for smaller projects Clearly defined stages Easy to use and understand

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