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Dale Carnegie Presentation Template

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Dale Carnegie

Transcript: - Early 20th Century, born to two poor Christian farmers. - Raised in Warrensburg, Missouri - Developed speech skills early on attending seminars and assemblies of famous speakers. -Offered spot in Warrensburg State Teacher's College. Couldn't pay board. Dale's Turning Point Dale's Childhood - Dale Carnegie Course is taught worldwide, same principles developed in his class of 1912. - From poor Missouri farm boy, to world-renouned author and teacher. -HTSWASL - “you won’t find anything new in it”, he says that the skills and thoughts within the book are things we as people develop and simply have not effectively applied. Dale Carnegie taught to apply ancient and basic truths to live the life we want to live, with the people we would like in it. Dale Carnegie Dale's Legacy - Miserable after Military discharge, selling trucks and living in NY apt. - Decided he'd "live to write, and write to live." -Got position to teach Communications at YMCA, challenging because practical nature. - Attended Warrensburg State Teacher's School, rode horse. - Outstanding ability to communicate and influence. -Graduated and joined play tour, joined military. Dale as Young Man Dale's Success -To teach course, Dale searched for texts on human relations, found none. Wrote own after 1.5 years research and updated as years passed with his new "human relations laboratory", teaching people to apply concepts they already knew. How to Win Friends and Influence People. - Work sold 15,000,000 copies since 1936, still going! One of first widely successful self-help works. - Made another laboratory and work called How to Stop Worrying and Start Living, designed to eliminate worry using information most people knew.

Dale Carnegie

Transcript: Dale Carnegie HOW TO STOP WORRYING AND START LIVING background about purpose Dale Carnegie (1888-1955) Poor boy from Missouri who learned about the impact of words at an early age. He became a popular public speaker and began to teach students about how to become one as well. Use this section to introduce the decade Use this section to introduce the decade Introduce your first point This is where your presentation starts. Introduce your first point Provide context for your audience and make it easy for them to follow. Put a bold statement here Your first point Introduce your first point Title chart Provide context for your audience and make it easy for them to follow. Follow up with another point Follow up Bibliography Provide context for your audience and make it easy for them to follow. Dive deep into your first point or make a new one Take away Take away Keep your words short and punchy so your audience stays focused. You can add imagery and frames to keep their attention where you want it. Limit your words so your audience stays focused Use visuals to help Provide any important context here Take away Take away Follow up Expand on the bold statement above. Provide statistics, go into detail, or more — whatever works best for your presentation. Remember to break up your words so your audience can follow. Use visuals to help Limit your words so your audience stays focused Dive deep into your first point or make a new one Name, location, date

Dale Carnegie

Transcript: Leadership Characteristics OVERCOME CONT. LIST OF BOOKS DALE PUBLISHED: Background LEAD BY EXAMPLE: Dale Carnegie Place of birth: Maryville, Indiana Birth year: 1888 Birth name: Dale Harbison Carnagey current name: Dale Harbison Carnegie Parents: James William Carnagey & Amanda Elizabeth Harbison YOUTH OVERCOME OVERCOME Dale had to get up at 3:00am every day to help his father with farm chores After his chores, Dale walked 3 miles to college every day Dale joined the College Literary Society but failed to be an effective novelist and/ or writer Dale had been to small to become a successful athlete in college. QUOTES Another characteristic that Dale Carnegie had would be his ability to listen to those he trained. It was stated that when Dale had ran out of material to train his class with, that he let his class speak in front of him rather than have himself speak in front of the class. This exercise enabled the group to help the individual to overcome their fears with public speaking. Dale left a successful sales role in south Omaha Nebraska to enroll in the American Academy of Dramatic arts in New York. Dale played the role of Dr. Harley in a roadshow Poly of the Circus, but failed to make acting a career. Dale attempted to overcome hardships from acting by selling cars in New York during the day, while writing a novel in the evening; Dale failed to be successful with both ventures. Dale grew up living on a poor farm; Dale’s father had a difficult time running a successful farm. YOUTH HARDSHIPS Work Cited Dale’s Mother had been a major influence in dale’s life; She had been a great leader within her community and had been a great public speaker. Dale Carnegie began to write program booklets for his class. Dale's class began to receive PR traction; poeple demanded that he spoke at seminars and his class continued to grow. Dale started to write his first of 7 novels in 1915 with the novel art of public speaking. Dale became active with the debate team and won an oratory contest. Dale had been able to gain popularity from the debate team to become V.P. of the student government. Dale became successful in sales and had been the top ranked sales associated in the nation for his firm. Leadership Characteristics 1888 -1955 Kemp, G., & Claflin, E. (1989). Dale Carnegie: The man who influenced millions. New York: St. Martin's Press. Watts, S. (2013). Self-help Messiah: Dale Carnegie and success in modern America. Other Press. Dale began to teach a public speaking class at a local YMCA center. Dale was able to receive 80% of the net profit from his teachings. The classes would be the foundation of his institute that is currently standing today; Dale Carnegie Training. EDUCATION FATHER OF THE SELF-HELP MOVEMENT CHARACTERISTICS OF LEADERSHIP Adult HARDSHIPS “Success is getting what you want happiness is wanting what you get.” “You know what the happiness you get out of life, will depend very largely upon your ability to win friends and influence people." Dale Carnegie had always been active with education. Whether it be attending college at State Teacher’s College or creating his own institute Dale Carnegie Training. “… from one man’s belief in the power of self-improvement to a performance-based training company with offices worldwide…” - Dale Carnegie Training One leadership that Dale had been known for would be his ability to lead by example. Dale’s son-in-law stated that when Dale was still alive, around 50+ years old, wealthy, and living in New York City, Dale would take the subway system/walk to the classes that he had taught. Supposedly along the way, Dale would remember all of the names of the police officers and always was happy to have seen everyone that encountered on a regular basis. This particular behavior was an example of genuinely being happy to see those who you encountered. 1915: Art of Public Speaking 1920: Public Speaking: the Standard Course of the United Y. M. C. A. Schools 1926: Public Speaking: a Practical Course for Business Men. 1932: Lincoln, the Unknown 1934: Little Known Facts About Well Known People 1936:How to Win Friends and Influence People 1937: Five Minute Biographies 1944: Dale Carnegie's Biographical round-up 1948:How to Stop Worrying and Start Living

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