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Stylish Music

Transcript: Conclusion Country Music Country music originated in the South in 1920s. When it was first discovered, many people called it hillbilly music. Most country songs include banjos and guitars, but any instrument can be played in country music. These days, pop and other genres of music have been added to give country a little twist. I Love Rock 'n' Roll Stylish Music Pop! Pop! Jazz Hands! Lady Gaga Music is everywhere: the birds singing in the trees, the crunch of leaves, and even the hum of a lawn mower. You will never meet someone who does not truly love music. Yeah, they might not like country music or rock music, but everybody has that one song that they want to dance to. Music is in our everyday life, you just have to listen hard to hear it. Barbara Mandrell I was Country when Country wasn't Cool Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanota, but known has Lady Gaga, was born on March 28, in Yonkers, New York. After siging in clubs, she was discovered by the R&B singer, Akon. Stefani, or Lady Gaga, is known for her outrageous outfits and her pop/ glam rock singing. She has sold about 24 million albums worldwide and some of her singles are bestselling. Pop is short for popular music. It has no set instruments or beat. Pop music is constantly changing along with what the people are listening to. Nowadays, pop music has a fast pace that anyone can dance to. Some famous pop artists are Lady Gaga, Ke$ha, and Cheryl Cole. Louis Armstrong Considered the King of Jazz Aug. 4, 1901- July 6, 1971 Trumpet and Singer Ladies and Gentlemen, Crazy Train By: Ozzy Osbourne There are many different types of jazz: swing jazz, gypsy jazz, Dixieland jazz. Jazz music is a mix of African style and European style music. This type of music shows that you could play the same note with the same pitch two times and have it sound completely different each time. Jazz has blue notes, improvisation, syncopation and the swung note. It is mainly focused on string instruments and brass instruments. Rock, its been here since the 1940's. Rock is where the electric guitar came in. The main instruments for rock are the electric guitar, the bass guitar, and the drums. And who could have rock without a singer? Glam rock, hard rock, and blues rock are only some of the different types of rock music.


Transcript: What is it? Fair wages Scottish Government. (2008, March 19). Fair Trade: Introduction. Education for Citizenship Retrieved from: •What fair trade is. •Why study fair trade. •Classroom activities •How to take action Staff Editor. (2010, May 12). Fair Trade. Wikipedia The Free Encyclopedia Retrieved from: . •Helps producers in developing countries obtain better trading conditions. •Usually for developing countries who send goods which are mostly handicrafts, coffee, cocoa, sugar, tea, bananas, honey, cotton, wine, fresh fruit, chocolate and flowers. •Workers get a fair pay. Staff Writer. (2009). What is Fair Trade. Tribes Travel The Art of Travelling With Respect Retrieved from: •“Fair Trade is all about putting people first. Its main aim is poverty alleviation.”-Unknown source. Staff writer. (2010). Facts About Fair Trade. COOPERATIVE COFFEE. Retrieved from: •What fair trade is. •Who benefits. Pictures A better earth Helps make Why buy it? angvdnshgfsda

Stylish Bites

Transcript: Stylish Bites Made by Nomads Introduction Introduction Stylish Bites is a sustainable fashion company that specializes in recycling carpets into high quality bags. We are committed to reducing waste and promoting environmentally-friendly practices by repurposing carpets that would end up in landfills Purpose of Company Purpose of Company Stylish Bites' mission is to recycle carpets into bags and promote environmental sustainability while developing a distinct and socially responsible brand that appeals to discerning shoppers Goals of Company 1-Goals of Company - Environmental Conservation -Sustainable Fashion -Job Creation and Community Engagement Goals of Company 2-Goals of Company -Conscious Consumerism -Innovation and Collaboration -Beneficial Impact Type of organization’s ownership Type of organization’s ownership The organization we have formed is based on a partnership. A partnership organization is a business structure in which two or more persons co-own and operate a business. Each partner contributes to the business monetarily, through talents, or with labour. Partners share the company's revenues and losses and make decisions together Marketing 1-Marketing -Unique value proposal -Social media -: Collaboration Marketing 2-Marketing -Community involvement -Storytelling -Quality and durability -Charity events Recommendation Recommendation As the owners of Stylish Bites, we are constantly looking for ways to improve our company and better serve our customers by Expanding our product offerings, improve our website so more people can find us easily and shop from us easy, streamline our production process and collaborate with other supportive fashion brands. Conclusion Conclusion In conclusion, as the management of Stylish Bites, we believe that there are always opportunities to improve and innovate. By continuing to uphold our core values of sustainability, social responsibility, and community engagement, and by listening to our customers and working together, we can create a more sustainable and equitable fashion industry for all. About us Contact Us Stylish_Bites Stylish_Bites Stylish_Bites Thank you for listening to us you can contact us anytime.

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