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Card Game Powerpoint Template

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card game

Transcript: PICK Brainstroming A problem-solving technique that helps a group generate creative options. A technique whereby people share ideas in writing, without meeting face to face; also known as absentee brainstorming. Delphi technique Affinity technique A method of generating and organizing ideas by using Post-it notes; group members write each idea on a note and then sort the ideas into common categories. Creativity The generation, application, combination, and extension of new ideas. Silent brainstorming A period of individual brainstorming that occurs before group members share their ideas with the group; integral to the nominal-group technique; also may be used as part of traditional brainstorming. Random-word technique A method used to enhance creative brainstorming in which one person says a random word to stimulate the development of new ideas. Nominal-group technique A problem-solving brainstorming method in which members work individually on ideas, rank suggested solutions, and then report their findings for group discussion. Invention The process of developing new ideas. Electronic brainstorming A method of generating creative ideas using computers; group members write out their own ideas, which are then displayed to all other members. A creative process of putting new ideas into action; innovation includes idea generation, feasibility analysis, reality testing, and implementation of the idea. Innovation Stinking thinking Thoughts that limit a person’s, group’s, or organization’s possibilities. FREE POINT GOOD JOB..!! Pick Again

Card Game

Transcript: How to play? 1. When the game is started, you get cards 6 cards from Deck ramdomly. 2. You can put card from your hand to cardlist on game board if your card number is one bigger than card number in game board and if card shape is same. 3. When you put card, you must input shape and number in order. ex) ♥3=h3 , 5=s5 4. When you move cardlist1 to cardlist2, you must input ‘cardlist1, cardlist2’. 5. If you use all cards (0~8) in “Hand” and “Deck”, you win! 6. Game playing time will be saved, and you can compete with other users. What did we satisfy? C Code Run a Program Explanation of a game Plan Support for open C source Make a gantt chart Support for coding Make a report - Function for command: void change_char(char), int chage_num(); - Initialization of cards: void init() - Allocation of card in random: void Randomize() - Movement of card: int SelectCard(int), int getCard(), int putCard(int) - Showing a game board: print_Hand(), printOut(), print_list(Stack*) Donghee Jung Sihyun Park Card Game Yeeun Hong UI None of open source code Dayoung Jung ADT for UI Randomization Thank you for listening:) Presenter Mood maker Support for various games ADT for a Card Game SKKU Game Contest UI -Changing a color of background and character -Assignment of the output position: void gotoxy(int, int, char[]) -ADT for main menu: void Drawmenu(), void selectMenu(); ->functions Explanation of a game: void game_explain() Playing music: void playMusic() Ranks: void show_rank(), int Rank(int), void print_user() Run a game: int playGame() Data structure: stack Manage photo for a report -Team leader -Master of coding -General support SKKU Card Game Make prezi for presentation CARD GAME From Professor ADT

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